
What size fish tank should i get?

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I have a 10 gallon tank at the moment since i just bought 3 fish and they're fairly small right now. I have a jack dempsey, a tiger oscar, and a convict cichlid. I know these fish can get pretty big so i want to know what size would be ideal (i don't plan on adding fish to the aquarium).




  1. The bigger the better, a minimum of 75 gallons, but I'd personally be looking at 100, the oscar is a messy eater so the greater the water capacity the more stable the environment. add to which you will undoubtedly end up buying a plec or several clown loach.  

  2. maybe a 30 or 40 gallon. I usally don't want getting those fish cuz they grow big. Try goldfish. :D

  3. 55 Gallons+ Quickly

  4. Ya before i thought 30 gallons would be big enough. After caring fishes for a while, i realized that it is best to provide them 55-75 gallons tank if you have space at home.

    And be aware of aggression keeping them together because jack dempsey will attack oscar at same size unless oscar is bigger, and convict will most likely be eaten.

  5. Think around 90gal to keep those fish for life.

    They have already outgrown the 10gal, so even if you cant get a tank that size right away, get them into an intermediate size one as soon as you can.

    It's not just the physical size of the fish, it's the agression and territory that large cichlids need. Forget any one inch rule rubbish with those guys, if you cram them into a 50gal as adults they will rip each other apart. Imagine the Oscar the size of a football !!!


  6. 55 gallons or larger.They get quite large and aggressive fast.

  7. minimum 55-75 gallons... One oscar alone tends to need a minimum of a 52 gallon deep tank so they can turn around at full length...

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