
What size grip do you use? I just regripped?

by  |  earlier

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I just had my clubs regripped with oversized grips. I have, what I call average size hands? I've used mid size in the past. what will oversized grips do to a swing? I sometimes feel like I grip to tight? thanks




  1. Your grips should fit  in your hands and lay across the fingers comfortably. With the larger grips you should be able to relax your grip and use less force to hold your club.

  2. Oversized grips inhibit your release.  If you slice your better off with a thinner grip, conversely if you fight a hook a thicker grip will help you.

  3. Wow,you really are needy. It doesn't matter what size grips that I use,that information will not help your game. If you feel like you are gripping too tight,then there's a 99.999999999999% percent chance that you are. So don't squeeze your clubs too hard, lighten up. Your club should feel like you are holding it lightly with your left hand and just use your right hand to guide it through the stroke.(if you are right handed,reverse it if you are left handed.) I hope this helps. Thanks for the points.

  4. Oversized grips don't do anything to a swing. Big, small, old, soft or otherwise grips do NOTHING to a swing. Neither does any other equipment. Unless it's some training club it does NOTHING to a swing. But do understand, all equipment changes come with an adjustment period. You get longer irons, you have to adjust your game. You get a new driver that's lighter, you have to adjust your game. You buy new golf shoes... you get the idea. You really don't want to go the oversized route though unless you have huge hands. I play midsize grips and my hands are goofy chimpanzee hands. So if you were to go to jumbo you better have orangutan or larger. Try this, get one of your clubs re-gripped and take it to the range and go back and forth between one club above, that club, and one below. This will be quite telling as to where your comfort level lies. Even a fitting at a proshop will help but until you play it you don't know.

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