
What size is Princess Beatrice?

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Not that it matters but its on uk teletext that her mum the Duchess is hopping mad about the press saying she is overweight. Now i dont care what size she is, but mama says she's a healthy size 10! Now i did see the photo of her in bikini last week in a tabloid and that size she aint. Why come off with such a crass stupid statement, fueling the jackal press for a reaction?




  1. Who cares? She is fat, ugly and spoiled. That's all I can think of

  2. Well they say Beauty is in the eye of the beholder !

    What has size to do with it ?

    Of course her Mum thinks she is just perfect !

  3. Hm yes I saw "Madam" on TV last night, I agree the media should not keep on about her daughters size and just leave her alone but does she think we are all daft, there is no way Beatrice is a size 10 with THOSE hips.

  4. She appears to be a very happy, very healthy, curvaceous size.

  5. who cares.

    analyze that.

  6. I think one of her thighs is a size ten alone, but she's a nice kid, she ISN'T spoilt, and she's not harming anyone but the fashion police judgeing by the awful butterfly hat she was wearing for Peter Phillips wedding the other day.

  7. I believe she is a size 14 - a US size 10 - that is what Fergie was referring to.

  8. If she is a size 10 I'm a Dutchman!!!

    She is a bit porky - and ginger (YUK!!!)

  9. Who cares about the specifics. Size range: fat.

  10. Fat Azz.

    I saw that picture of her in a bikini, and it was a disgrace.  She is a 12-14 easy.  She's been jamming down the Micky D's for years now, what do you expect.  He mother was the same, until she went to weight watchers.

  11. She was referring to an American size 10, which is in fact a couple of sizes smaller to the UK 10.

    You're right about one thing: it doesn't matter in the slightest what size she is.

  12. shes prob closer to 20 than 10

  13. Leave the girl alone.People make life a misery by making unneccessary comments about a persons appearence.It is nothing to do with "news" it is just spite.

  14. who cares what size anyone is? If they are happy and healthy then so be it!

  15. The old Duchess should stop having the take-aways delivered and open her eyes. Yes, she must be naive if she thinks Beatrice can actually get into a size 10. But her size is no big deal...but trying to convince everyone, including her daughter that she's a skimpy 10 is silly. Why could't she just say she's like a lot of people in the UK, and could do with losing a few pounds, but is healthy and happy...then, nobody would have batted an eyelid.

  16. The look upon 'Lise Lotte's' boyfriend's 'boater' said it all. Hope, that, she ('Tubbo') doesn't start sunbathing over at Hayling Island, co's, Greenpeace, would be dragging her back out to sea again! She ought be sold to Frey Bentos!!

  17. Fergie lives in America a lot and size 10 there is a size 14 Uk. Anyway, the poor girl is perfectly ok, she is a normal-looking healthy young woman who's confidence can be shaken by this cruel speculation.

  18. she is mostly definitely not a size 10, going on the pics of her the other day, though i guess her mum defending her was probably right, but not that size, no way

  19. id say size 12, shes curvy and looks good i think......god knows what she was wearing for the wedding though, that butterfly thing was awful!!!

  20. Don't be so wicked. That poor girl is not a size 20 she is probably a 14. Fergie has been through enough without everyone starting on her kids because if you are a mother you will know you could murder anyone who starts on your children.x

  21. erm, she's ugly. She's ginger. She has fat genes. She's ginger. OK, so she can pretend to be a size 1213141516 or whatever you fat women convince yourselves you are, but unless she (and all you big-boned girls) hauls that fat behind down the gym 4 times a week without exception for the rest of her life, you're just waiting on a big fat time bomb.

    She'll hit thirty, hit thirty stone, and you'll hit her hahahaha

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