
What size of goggles should i get?

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i am 14 years old and im starting swimming soon. i need new goggles, but idk what size i should get. -junior-adult-kid-. which one of those. im getting the regular kind, not the one that covers your nose and everything.




  1. Kids or adults, Junior is for little kids.

    14 year old girl, you can probably get away with a kids if the mask is not a solid piece of silicone(If it has no adjustable nose piece). And most adult sizes should fit unless your head is unusally large or small. It really just depends on the type of goggles. There may be adult sizes that are two small or kid's that are too big. It Just depends

  2. the ones that fit your face

  3. pick a size that fits you comfortably. Don't get a too big pair as you may get water up your nose or in your eyes, but you don't want to cut the circulation off either. So try on different sizes.

  4. Seeing as how your kind of new to swimming I suggest you get any Speedo pair that's adult and looks comfortable. Look for a comfy sealant on the eye piece.

    When you get better you might want to consider socket-rockets or swedish goggles. They are quite uncomfortable, but they are by far the fastest and best at staying on. You'll get used to them eventually, but for the first week or two they will probably hurt.

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