
What size rim/low pro combo should I do for my 2007 Jetta?

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My car is black. And I am wanting to get some rims, but am undecided as which way to go. Should I do chrome, or silver, or black. What are the pros and cons of each. Which are more durable. I do live in Northern New Jersey, and the roads are terrible. Should I get 5 so I have an extra? Any suggestions and comments are greatly appreciated.

here is a pic.




  1. I have a black Jetta as well, but with 17" chrome rims and I love them but I was given the car and not the choice on which rims to get. If I could have chosen I would have gone with black.

    I would definitely get a fifth one just in case cause I scratched mine and when I went to get a new one they didn't have an exact match so I'm driving with a busted rim.

    You should also do a dark tint on the windows. Your car would look really sweet.  

  2. If it were me i would get black rims because the car is black and i would leave the same size rim harder to damage compared to bigger rims and a 5th rim is always a good idea..I'm unsure but i think they all have pretty much the same durability.

    if you do get black rims tint your windows it'd make the car look sweet

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