
What size saddle do I need?

by Guest67060  |  earlier

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I'm 5'1 and weight about 110 lbs. My horse is a 4 year old gelding Quarter Horse. He is about average size for a Quarter Horse. What size saddle should I get? I really need a seat measurement, such as 15'', 16'', 17'', etc.




  1. It really kind of depends on what kind of saddle you are buying. If you are buying an english saddle you will really want to have your horse measured for it to make sure that it properly fits his whithers. You can buy one that has a gullet system and it will get him and exact fit. The seat for you I would say is probably a 15".  If you can find a 14" it maybe a little more comfortable for you because you won't have as much slippage.

    With all saddles you want to make sure that it properly fits your horse's whithers. It is a little easier with a western saddle because there is a little more room for error because you can adjust your saddle pad to a thicker or thinner pad. If you are just wanting a pleasure saddle a 15" would probably be fine, but if you are wanting a barrel saddle you may want to try and find a 14" or a 14.5" so you don't slide around in it.

    There should be a saddle shop somewhere near by so I would suggest going and trying some on. They will simply put it on a pommel horse and you just hop on.

    With your height be sure to check the stirup length. I am only 5' and it is very hard for me to find a western saddle with the correct stirup length. I have a Saddle King barrell saddle it is very comfortable and the stirrups are very adjust able. If you are purchasing an English saddle you may want to get youth leathers. That is what I always had to do to keep from punching a bunch of holes to adjust them. The more holes you punch the weaker the leather gets.

    Hope this helps! Good luck!

  2. i would suggest a 14" you might even fit in a 13 or 13.5". I'm 5'8" and 135 lbs and i fit in a 14 inch. if you are buying a pleasure saddle then add on an extra inch.

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