
What size tank should i get??

by  |  earlier

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i was wondering if i should get a 20 or 29 gallon tank. i have a 10 gallon right now and i already have 3 neon tetras ( planning on getting 2 more) and i have a platy and i have 6 guppies. two of them are pregnant females and should be having theyre babys any day now. i am planning on keeping some of the babys and most likely keeping a couple from each batch?? will i get overcrowded if i get the 20 gallon tank?? should i just get a 29 gallon tank??




  1. I think you should get the 29 galon  so your fish have more room and can be free and not backed tightly and make sure you put divers and fake plants and little sailboats because they love to hang out and sleep in them or maybe even lay there eggs in so get the 29 gallon tank

  2. If you can afford the 29 go ahead and get it. Both guppies and platties will breed a lot so before you know it you will probably need to upgrade again

  3. If you can afford the bigger tank than get that.  Always get the biggest tank you can afford.  You have more options when it comes to fish and they are easier to maintain a proper water chemistry with.

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