
What skateboard trucks and wheels are kids skateing today?

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I am an old school skater and have kids of my own now who want to skate. I have been looking for decks trucks and wheels and there is a lot more out there than when I skated. I just dont want to get taken by buying c**p. Like in my day tracker sucked you could by them on boards at walmart. and the old nash boards every poser had. any way indipent trucks powell bones wheels and swiss bearing are what i skated. does any one still skate them anymore?




  1. I'm 34 and am in the same boat. eBay can be a good place to buy old school parts (decks trucks wheels) but decks can be VERY expensive if they are NOS (new old stock) so look for stuff that is used some which collectors will usually shy away from. Old School wheels are still pretty much the same price which is cool... and trucks can be had for not oo much- if they are used. I am a die hard NATAS guy and its the only deck i will ride. Just recently found a guy who is sending me a couple blanks that come with an old school NATAS pattern and has the same concave that old deck had, etc. They are raw ply blanks meaning you need to trace the pattern out and then cut it with a bandsaw, then finish it... but who cares! An NOS Natas can easily run you over $1000 on ebay and i am paying $25 each for these unfinished blank reproductions. Rad!

    You can check here for old parts too, but i havnet ordered anything from them (yet)

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