Okay, so at my rink there are these two girls that have the most FANTASTIC and upbeat songs ever. I'm not going to, like, try and steal it, but I want to know what they are, and it's bugging me a lot!
On youtube I found a clip of a song (there was a girl skating to the music) but she didn't say what it was. Can anyone tell me?
Here is the clip of the video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kBVsKwaMIBk
The other song is a sort of Egyptian/ pop music song. It's like the two mixed together, resulting in a very awesome and upbeat Egyptian-y song. If you get my drift. There is a violion throughout the entire song, and song drums I think. Any idea what it is?
And does anyone have any skating song suggestions for upbeat classical? I want it to be like the two above, or a egyptian sort of song. Thanks! (Please also try and include your source.)