
What skilled job can i do as a women that would allow me to live in Australia?

by Guest65412  |  earlier

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What skilled job can i do as a women that would allow me to live in Australia?




  1. i was wondering the same

  2. That depends what skills you've got.  You can probably go onto the Australian Immigration Website and that will tell you the desired occupations.

    One of the good ones is most Healthcare Professions, but there will be others as well.

  3. You Can Get Any Job In Australia!!!

    The Jobs A Unlimited!

  4. Nurse, environmental health officer, doctor dentist

  5. Nursing would be one and Australia is very short

    and constantly training.   Along this line , there are

    also Paramedics....also training and great shortages.

    And other areas of the Health Services Sector.

    Mineral Sampling in Mining is regarded as Male or Female

    Occupational Safety and Health Representatives in all areas

    across Australia. Including driving of large Trucks.

    Teaching at Schools and all other disciples are very short

    of , this includes Teaching Assistants and Special Assistant

    Teachers...helping with Disabled children.

    All the above have been fast tracked and will be good

    opportunity to enter in Education.

    Store Assistants and Managers in Retail - Large Department

    stores and Clothing - Cosmetics - other areas all constantly


    So good luck and take your pick....

  6. BECOME A NURSE. Australia is in dying need of nurses and doctors.

  7. you could join the mitlitary

  8. what job are you skilled and qualified to do?

    also you need to pass a points test to move to Australia

  9. Well my mum is in her fortys and when she was in her late 20s she went off to Australia for 6 months to nurse.

          She already was a nurse and she went to Australia and then new zealand and hawii and thailand aswell with nursing. But even then the Australian government were really strict about she was not able to take any other jobs outside nursing and they were really strict all together. But that was about 15 years ago

    It might have changed and when you are doing your job it might have changed even more and nursing might not get you into Australia as they might have enough nurses as they only let my mum in because there was a shortage of nurses at the time  but you see there might not be a shortage any more.  

      But thanks for asking because i am british and i want to see if i can move to either USA or Australia with a job that they need. And I was actually gonna ask this quesion myself, so thanks!!!!!

  10. i here they are always after doctors,/nurses/midwifes ?

  11. Here is the list of occupations in which workers are required in Australia, and of course, you can't just pick one at random. You must have qualifications and experience and must be able to have your skills recognised here as detailed for each occupation:


    The list I've provided is the official list of occupations that qualify for Australian immigration work visas (special conditions apply to some). It lists 485 separate jobs and every one of them could be done by a woman if she cared to get the qualifications. In Australia, it's illegal to discriminate against anyone on the basis of their gender.

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