
What skills and what qualities does a playgroup assistant need?

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What skills and what qualities does a playgroup assistant need?




  1. I'm guessing your asking because you are considering working in a child care environment....

    That being said... first and foremost, the best advice I can give anyone who is thinking about working with children is to get certified in infant/child CPR and first aid. You can call you local red cross and ask about a class. It is well worth it. It will prepare you for some tough circumstances such as choking and basic first aid.

    Otherwise, I have a few suggestions of what I find important when I look to hire someone.  First quality I look for is dependability.  Can they be counted on?  Some children have a difficult time with transitions and new people.  Therefore, consistency in care givers is very important.  I want to know I am hiring someone who not only I can count on but the children can count on as well!

    Another quality I look for is someone who is concerned about cleanliness...(hygienic).... Sounds weird I know, but it's very important.  Especially when you are dealing with alot of kids in one environment.  that's means LOTS of germs!!  So you have to be on top of cleanliness...Things like  keeping hands washed as well as keeping mouthed toys and surfaces cleaned and sanitized.  Sounds silly but it's your best defense. Preschools /nursery schools have regulations for wearing gloves when changing a baby and cleaning up bodily fluids...especially when you have cuts. It's just good safety to always keep gloves on you so that you can handle any injury safely and promptly without having to search for gloves.

    And certainly as others have said, You have to have a lot of patience too!For example, babies cry and sometimes there isn't anything you can do. Sometimes babies just cry, but that's why it is important that you remain calm.

    Another necessary quality is being flexible to the needs of each child and family. For example, one of the hardest things is to learn the boundaries of each family. Some parents are threatened by closeness while others LOVE that you show affection to their child. Always make sure to feel them out.

    Good luck with whatever your looking to accomplish. I love working with is VERY rewarding.

  2. genuine liking of children. enthusiastic.a childcare qualification. common sense. form good relationships with parents/carers other members of the team and most important children.

  3. Patience!

    If you haven't got ( a lot ) of patience, you really don't want to be a playgroup assistant.

    Skills, I'd say, chatty, easy to get along with, approachable - from the children's point of view, confident when it comes to speaking to parents, especially if their child falls over and grazes their knee, you need to keep your cool without telling them to be quiet because it was an accident!

    You need to be creative and fun, and able to carry out basic first aid, you also need to be able to sort out paperwork, registers and shopping lists.

    I guess that's about it, I don't think being a playgroup assistant is something you just decide to do.

    Good Luck!

  4. you dont need`re not allowed to teach,discipline,comfort them if they are upset, not allowed to touch them if they get hurt cannot shout at them cannot tell them off for being naughty.basically you cannot do anything because of all the do gooders.  i know because i queried a play group teacher about an incident and that was their reply.

  5. i agree with patience. Also no matter how rubbish a day your having, you cant show it. Where i work we say when that door opens its 'showtime'!! When the door closes for the day its back to reality!!!

  6. qualifications:

    NVQ2 for an assistant NVQ3 if you want responsibilities.

    Health and Hygiene (usually done through setting)

    First Aid (as above)

    Safe Guarding Children (As above)



    Love of all children.

    Ability to think on your  feet.

    Ability to play same game over and over again without showing boredom to the child.

    Ability to be creative

    Not be afraid to be daft-singing dancing and general messing about

    Sympathetic ear for parents and child.

    Work in a team

    Have your own iniative

    Ability to write down notes and fill out important documents.

    Keep to deadlines.

    Willing to go on training days

    The ability to see the job as a career and not a 9-5!


    Sense of humour!!!

  7. i'm currently studying a certifcate in pre school education

    the most important thing is enthusiasm and passion if ur enthusiastic and passionate the children will be too

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