
What skills do I need to be a cheerleader?

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Okay my school right now doesn't have cheerleading and I've never really cheered before but I was wondering, to do all star at age 14-18 or to be on a college cheer team what skills are required? I don't know how to do much tumbling but I'm pretty flexible and I've done some gymnastics and dance before. Could I get good enough within a few years to do something like that?




  1. Hi there, fellow cheerleader. I hope I can help you. =D

    For all star cheerleading, most all star gyms do not cut people from their teams. However, I have found one gym where they will only let you join if you have no experience if you are under 14 years old. That made me mad, to say in the least, because it's not very fair... Anyways, most all star gyms will let you join, regardless of your cheer experience, or lack thereof. To find an all star gym, go here:

    Click on the state you live in to find a gym near you!

    As far as college cheerleading goes, the skill level is vastly different. If you wanted to cheer at a top place like Stephen F. Austin in Texas, you had better weigh less than 120 pounds, and go in knowing every single move they could ask you to do. That means, back tucks, triple toe back tucks, standing fulls, etc. However, there are other schools where you don't need to be able to tumble at all. Your best bet is like this: The smaller the school, in most circumstances, the easier it is to get on the squad. That's because their is less competition, and when there are only 1,000 students in a college, that college cheer coach can't expect to have 30 girls with perfected back tucks and fulls.

    So, since it seems like it's a few years before you go to college, you should work really, really hard before you know what skills you will be able to perform for college cheerleading. You may also decide that cheerleading isn't what you want to do. But, in short, yes, if you have two years, some natural ability, and a lot of drive, you could be good enough to make some college squads. Just remember you will be going against girls who have been cheering their whole lives, so they have an advantage over you. If you really want it, join an all star team, and spend extra hours at the all star gym perfecting your tumbling, stunting and your jumps.

    If you are already looking at colleges, go to their websites, and try to find their cheerleading pages. Oftentimes they will have tryout information on their sites, and that way, you know what you are working towards. Set a goal for yourself to get each skill that is required. But don't just go to a school for their cheerleading program. Make sure you like the academic program there as well. Also take into consideration whether the school is in your same state, and also whether it's public or private. Those factors determine just how expensive each school is.

    So, here is a quick run over of some of the things you would need to know for most college cheer squads:

    The jumps you should know (this tutorial is by some people from an all star squad close to where I live):

    Back Handspring:

    The more advanced squads will want you to have those skills and these:

    Toe Touch Back Handspring:

    Standing Full:

    Back tuck:

    And you will have to learn to do coed stunting for a coed team:

    Not every school will require every one of these skills, but you should at least know what they are.


    I hope I helped you! Best of luck to you!

  2. Well your coaches look for alot of things:

    a) Motions and Dance skills- Making your motions sharp and not smearing through them are signs that you will put out a clean routine on the floor. Being able to dance somewhat is pretty helpful too. I'm not talking go out and take a dance class, but make your mooves smooth. No one wants to look like a hot mess out on the floor.

    b) Jumps- Not all squads look for high jumps but they do look for good technique. When your jumping, say a toe-touch, you want to make sure your toes are pointed and your chest is up. Dont slack on your motions either. Motions are key in EVERYTHING you do in cheerleading.

    c) Tumbling- Not everyteam looks for tumbling. But being a cheerleader on an all-star (level 3 and up) is pretty critical. I would advise taking gymnastics classes, but dont rush, i'd say cheer for a year then join gymnastics-just incase you dont want to cheer anymore or your team doesnt have strong tumbling expectations.

    d) FACIALS AND CONFIDENCE- Having good facials (even just a smile) shows that your confident. Of course your going to be nervous at try-outs but smile and look your best. cheerleading is all about putting on the best show you can for a crowd and pumping up a team. If you look scared and shy all the time thats not very convincing.

    I hope i helped! Work hard and practice like crazy! Cheerleading is VERY physically rewarding, self-confidence wise also!

    Yes tumbling is pretty important if you want to be on level 3 and up. But in a  year or two tumbling should come with proper instruction. And DEFINETLY you can improve. I got my backhandspring in only 4 months. but alot of people are different, i had alot of training in dance and other things that helped me ALOT with technique thats why it came so quickly to me. Good luck and dont give up!

  3. Here are some tips!

    Cheerleading in General-

    Be confident when performing cheers and routines.

    A smile goes a long way.

    If you mess up simply pretend like you didn't.

    Do a cheernastics class if you can. You will learn tumbling, jumps and possibly even stunts.


    Join a tumbling class if you cant join cheernastics.

    If you are unable to join one, Im sure you can practice some cartwheels and handstands if you have never done anything before.

    Then work on round offs, round off toe touches, and a front walk over if you can, then front handspring.

    If you are more advanced try back walk overs and then back handspring or back tucks.


    Toe Touches are the main jump you should practice. Also herkies and pikes will look nice and impressive if performed properley.

    Here are some exercises to work on that will help your toe touches and all other jumps.

    First sit in straddle. Dont make it too wide, just a reasonable straddle is fine.

    Place both hands on either side of one leg and then lift the leg which your arms are next to up and down about 20 or so times.

    Repeat this on the other side.

    Do it as many times as possible, 2 - 3 times a day!

    This will help you roll your hips up to jump, working muscles that you would normally be unable to strengthen.

    Another exercise is to find a flat surface higher then what you are standing on. Something about knee height or higher if you want to improve your jumps further. Then jump up onto it, then back down.

    This will increase the height of your jumps and strengthen some of the main muscles in you legs.


    I would follow this and do it once a day or even twice if you have enough time

    30 seconds straddle, reaching forward

    30 seconds straddle, leaning to each side

    40 seconds pike, reaching for your toes

    1 minute on each leg splits

    1 minute middle splits

    3 Bridges held for 10 seconds. Try to push your shoulders over your hands.

    You can add any other stretch you like to that, but that basically is all you need. Some nice flexible splits to do high kicks, straddle for toe touches and a flexible back for walkovers and tumbling.

    Practice, Practice, Practice and every cheerleading skill you gain will improve .

    Good luck!

    PS. If you are unsure of a certain skill dont try it, you dont want to hurt yourself now, do you?

    And also if you dont know what a skill is that I have mentioned google it or go onto youtube and I am sure you will find something

  4. Definitely work on tumbling and jumps since they can take months or years to perfect. And you might want to work on motions as well. You can find drills for all of those things here, but they'll only really make a difference if you commit to doing them daily:

  5. i would sign up for all star cheerleading. there you will make a team no matter what,  and they work on you to help you get better. if you do that, you will ace the tryouts when you go to college. \

    other than tumbling, you will need to be loud and clear in cheers, and you will have to know how to stunt, whether its being a base or being a flyer.

    good luck!



  6. yes. But tumbling skills would be a real plus. Also, any dance skills you may have. Being fairly fit, but that isn't really most important. And having a cheerful disposition helps.

    Yes, you could. If you work hard enough at it.

  7. There are two types of cheerleading... one is the traditional girls with pom poms shouting "Go-team...GO"

    And the newer one is more of a gymnastics/dance mix.

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