
What skills do you need 4 freight train?

by  |  earlier

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Does anyone know what kind of education or degree you need to have to become a freight train operator?




  1. Do you mean a driver or owner/operator of  a freight company

    Driver  best to start in the sheds as a cleaner and grease monkey

    Operator Loads of money and try and buy a company out,to impress the share holders you need to have made your mark in business and be a darling of the shareholders, You will have a proven record like Richard Branston (Virgin group)  

  2. In the US you need a high school or equivalent education.

    The company will provide all on the job training if you are hired and offered a chance to promote to engineer.  

  3. Pretend you just arrived here from Mexico and don't speak english. The railroad co will most likely hire you based on those 2 skills. If you are an American you'll have to wait in the back of the line to get hired.

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