
What skin tone do you prefer?

by  |  earlier

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THIS IS NOT A RACIST QUESTION. It all has to do with personal preference, some people like blondes, some brunettes, some red-heads, tall, short and so on..




  1. Dark bronze or light brown or milky brown.... all in the dark tan family.

  2. italian-naturaly tan skin...grr it makes me jealous. i have pale irish skin

  3. Pale aka Gereard way kinda skin

  4. haha i like the first anwserer's user name.

  5. tanned  

  6. i've always been a fan of natural skin.

    no tanning or anything.

    so if you're naturally pale, that's awesome

    and if you're naturally tan, thats good too (:

  7. rihanna chocolate skin

  8. on myself uuber pale (excuse my special terminology). but im like tanish :(

  9. i like pale

  10. I don't have a skin tone preference.  I do, however, love a man with big arms.

  11. Girls with a white parent and a black parent are definitely my favourite.

    I also like middle eastern girls

    My least favourite is probably white and I'm white ! lol

  12. not too pale. anything else is just fine.

  13. Ones not full of acne.

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