
What sky caddie should i choose?

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There are a lot of different sky caddie's availible but the sg5 and the sg2.5 do not have a lot different besides the huge price drop. I have heard that there is a different in sattilite signal between them. What is the best??




  1. There are several owners of the sky caddie who will disagree with what is said next " Any golfer worth his salt has the ability to judge yardage visually within the given parameter of his accuracy." Those of us who came from the caddy ranks still retain that ability when playing strange courses where a sky caddie is useless unless programed for that course. If this is the best use for your money, get the best.

  2. Check out this website:

    GPS are fantastic for golf and the amount you spend will be determined by what you want and your budget (obviously).

    You will be happy once you start using one.

  3. googie . . . and that's why pros always know the exact yardage right?  Are they worth their salt?  You're an idiot.

    All the sky caddies do the same thing.  The difference is the display- size & color.

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