
What slows down a skysurfer falling?

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what slow's it down




  1. real question is, what slows down your ability to think?

  2. Drag? Maybe, but if that skysurfer is doing any manuevers, that also slows him down as well.

  3. Drag.  Atmospheric friction.  The more drag, the more you slow down.  You'll go faster in a tucked position that with arms straight out.  The ultimate drag producer is, of course, a parachute.

  4. the air??

  5. well when he/she is going along, the thermal currents in the air are keeping him/her aloft, when falling: the drag, or friction, from their suit/ parachute is slowing them down. The different positions they take form into affect the speed at which they fall (how streamlined they are)

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