
What small, flying insect in texas has glowing green eyes?

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I am always a skeptic on this stuff. My girlfriend dragged me outside to see it. She said it stayed lit regardless of where she was standing in relation to the light, and that the insect seemed to be controlling it, ala lightning bugs, etc.

I have pretty awful vision, and even an eye condition that was inflamed at the time, so it took her some work trying to block out light sources that had covered it's new position by the time we got back to it to get me to see anything, but I'll be damned if they didn't light up as clearly as anything else.

Definitely controlled, definitely glowing, definitely green. They went bright for about 2-3 seconds, dimmed down, lit up again, and kept this up until it flew away. She googled it, and came up with some kind of rainforest-located click beetle, and she was positive that "that's the same thing!".

I didn't see it as well.. but what are the possibilities of a glowing green-eyed flying bug landing on my houston-area porch?




  1. You are right about click beetle Florida - (Ignelater havaniensis) TX -(Pherhimius fascicularis) TX -(Aeolus melliculus Candeze )

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