
What snails should i get for my aquarium?

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I already have a mystery snail, but it is really small and i need another snail. I heard that they multiply like crazy so if i got a different species would that be okay? Also i would like to get a snail that stays relatively small, no more than an inch and a half plz. Plz list all of my choices..

thanks for the help :D




  1. Try Ramshorn or Zebra snails. Neither of them get very big in aquariums and they look nice too.  

  2. Well, do you have live plants? If so, mystery snail is the only one I would trust not to eat them! If you do not have live plants, you can try an apple snail, but they get to the size of a softball, pretty cool, and they have lungs AND gills. Just like mystery snails!

    I also  doubt they could reproduce in a tank with fish in it, the eggs would float ot the top and the fish would eat them, so you don't have to worry about that. Your best choice is another mystery snail, they only get to the size of agolf balll.

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