
What so wrong about hating on Jr.?

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Doesn't he already have 85% of the fans anyway? We can't all like him.




  1. I know, where is the love for Greg Biffle.

  2. Nothing. Just shows what kinda person you are. Hateful.

    Not everybody has to like a certain person. Everyone has different tastes.

    people just choose to handle thing differently, not make certain remarks.

  3. We,fans of DALE JR, are not worry about HIM because there are more Dale fans than other NASCAR drivers! Smile! U ARE VERY JEALOUS. HAIL TO EARNHARDT FAMILY! MANY FANS SCREAMED AND CLAPPED FOR DALE TO WIN! HURRAH!

  4. Only Jr. and Busch fans have the right to talk bad about your drivers. And my good buddy Mearn is proof that Juan Montoya fans also have that right too.

  5. There isn't anything wrong with being a hater, the problem is most of you that hate are comepletely ignorant. How do YOU know he doesn't have a personality? Just because he doesn't get out and rant and rave like some drivers, He just isn't like that . I have met him and his father before he passed and they are both pretty cool people.

  6. You can bash him all you want but don't cry if someone bashes your favorite driver. Go JR.

  7. It's a free country, hate on him if you want, but I like pouring my energy into showing support for my driver, rather than wasting it on hating the ones I'm not a fan of.

  8. Whatever! like him hate him whatever.  I love jr. and I am proud of it.

  9. I like what Winter Glory said. Hating's a waste of time. You cna have your favorites and those you don't like, but making your life a constant "hate fest"  is a monumental waste of time.

  10. Only Jr fans are allowed to talk bad about other drivers. Didn't you know that? It is in their 10 commandments

  11. It's the American way! Go Stewart #20!

  12. Hate him, us real fans don't care what you think, it's when haters try to start conspiracy theories and stupid c**p like that when we get pissed. I respect everyone's opinion, that is everyone's opinion that doesn't have impossible happenings in it.

  13. What's not to like about him? He's not asking for favors, he's working his butt off and even left the team his father built (albeit it was Teresa's fault, how's that working out for ya Teresa?). But seriously, what has he done to deserve all the hate that you haters put out for him? If it's because he has nearly all the fans, the reason he has them is because he is one of the best drivers out there right now. And not to mention he exudes coolness like Fonzie from Happy Days without even trying!

  14. with question like yours, sure do not need any's a FREE COUNTRY!

    If you are a real fan then stand up and be proud! thru the good days and bad not "hate" on anyone..share the love(lol)....

    Even if you do not like JR, why "hate"??? It's not a war thing,

    IT's JUST RACING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Congrats to JR and the Hendricks Team


  15. whats he ever done to you personally  

    seriouly you dont even know him so you cant hate him

  16. I don't see what the problem is with hating Jr & I hate no drivers but it seems to me it's okay for Jr Nation to hate on Kyle, Jimmie, Jeff or whoever, but talk bad about the poster boy of NASCAR & it's like it's not supposed to be that way.  Everyone has their right to like or dislike whoever they want including Jr

  17. you have no idea buddy all you know is how he acts to the media so don't act like you know him you have no idea. Why don't you find a favorite driver or something or a hobbie cause I don't think hating junior is one

  18. no one says you have to like him but you don't have to be an a$$ either!! I take alot of sh*t for being a Jr fan but I don't disrespect other fans for their choice of drivers he** I've even stood up for that driver a time or two so back off!! You don't have to like him but don't be a basher either!!!

  19. Hey this is the US, you can hate and love any body, I do not like the word hate...But if you do not like Dale Jr well that's your lose not mine...But I respect every body's opinion, just remember hate is a very bad word and there is way way to much of it in the world to day...If you are not a Dale Jr fan that's fine, just say he is not your driver.. I do not hate Rowdy Busch, he is not my favorite, I do not hate him....Can  we all just flush the word HATE...its a awful bad word..I respect everyone on Y/A, but when it comes to that hate word, it upsets me....Come on people lets get along and not hate any drivers..

    Go Dale Jr & Hms

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