
What so you do when your agents dont come to work?

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What so you do when your agents dont come to work?




  1. As most agents only get paid when they sell, they should be out of the office most of the time, selling.  Otherwise, they don't get paid.

    When they aren't there, you have to keep the office running!

  2. I guess you mean your insurance agent does not go into the office?

    Transfer to a different agent if its a big company. You can stay with the same company but just transfer to a different agent.

    If its a broker, find a new agent and change your company.  

    If there is still someone in the office to help you and you get good service there is no need to change.

  3. fire 'em - hire new agents

  4. Party!  

  5. If they work for you and don't show up for work, you have the right to fire them.  Why would you let them stay?

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