
What social issues do you feel strongly about and why?

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What social issues do you feel strongly about and why?




  1. Most people do not realize that the sexual predation of our children is at crisis levels. You hear about it on the news and talk shows right? Well, here's a scarry factoid for you. For every instance you here about there's at least 10 that you don't. Most boys that are molested turn into molesters if they do not receive the appropriate help in a timely manner. So extrapolate that and try to imagine how many kids are going to have their lives ruined then, turn around and ruin other lives. Let's say 10 kids got molested today, which is a waaaaay low number. In the next 10 years each of them molest 5 kids. That's 50 damaged kids. They do the same. That's 500, etc. etc....... That doesn't include the 10's of thousands of molesters age 18 and over already out their! I used to work with abused kids and their stories will rip your heart out. Most girls that are sexually abused end up promiscuous, in toxic relationships, and pregnant at a very young age. People don't want to think about this because it's too ugly. But it's only gonna get worse if this society doesn't pull their heads out and somehow wrap  their minds around this horrible reality. Go to the Megan's Law website and enter your address. It will show you most of the registered s*x offenders in your area. Remember though. These are the registered perverts. Even some of them bail on their obligation to report and go "under the radar." So who knows how many of them, not to mention those not caught yet, are out there. Are you scared and horrified yet? You should be. This is America's dirtiest little secret. You can help. The info is on the internet. These kids are gonna be running this country someday. What kind of world do you want your kids to live in?

  2. Racism and Child Abuse.

    Racism - I just don't understand why others must undermine people just because their darker or even lighter in skin tone, we may be of different colors, and of different nations, religions , etc., etc. But they just need to accept the fact that we are all people, with feelings and emotions.

    Child Abuse - don't do to your kids, what you don't want them to do to yours, i am an abused child, who's voice is not heard by my father, i speak for the abused children right now.

  3. Drug use by millions of Americans. Drug use causes crime, prostitution, robberies, home break ins, murders, car accidents and deaths, breakup of homes and families, people loose their jobs due to drugs, DRUGS are the number one problem in the US; yet our leaders do not place a big emphasis on this huge problem.

  4. Domestic violence and child abuse because I don't believe the laws are upgraded enough, nor do I think the people who assist the victims have enough training.

    Sexual predators - we should give them all life in prison with no parole because the likelihood that they will not do that again is slim-to-none.  Think of all the people who'd still be alive if the predator had been put in jail for life after the initial crime.

    Human Trafficking - I think more needs to be done about it.

  5. The power of investigative offices that are more covert than the CIA, FBI Secret Service, They are involved in the collecting of data that outlines the history of your activity from the age of 16, if you were a person of interest to them. Law agencies have been given permission to tap into any ones phone line, and record your conversation.  No, I am not paranoid, nor fearful, I would like to see the result of their analysis of my behavior. AND, how they have labeled and pigeon holed these processes. It would make a heck of a movie.

  6. Minority relations (including LGBT) because of the institutionalized factors involved in the entire American process of racism and discrimination.  The United States has a bad history with race relations and the foundation of our base needs to be rebuilt instead of patched with cement.

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