
What soft drinks DO NOT contain phosphoric acid?

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I heard root beer doesn't. How about Sprite, 7up and the other citrus/fruity-type sodas?




  1. not sure, check the label..

  2. Ah, good for you! Phosphoric acid isn't good for you at all, for a lot of reasons--it takes the calcium out of our teeth and bones, neautralizes our stomach acid, etc. The reason it is added to soda is because it keeps the soda from going flat. There are some sodas that do not contain phosphoric acid though...Pepsi Free, Diet Pepsi Free, 7-Up, and Mountain Dew, just to name a few. Some that you should stay away from that contain the highest amounts of phosphoric acid (if you ever need to slurge on some pop!) are Coke, Diet Coke, Caffeine Free Coke, and Tab. Beware the acid! =]

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