
What software do i need for new laptop??

by  |  earlier

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hey i recently purchased a new laptop for my birthday which is on the 19th (im so excited!!!) and i want to know what software i should download for it. i need an antivirus program(s) and other programs to protect my computer from unwanted malware and spyware. and plz add any programs you think i should download for it. thanx!




  1. antivirus - f-secure (i use it its brill but it costs)

    open-office (MS office equivalent free)

    VLC Media Player (Video Player, MP4 etc) free

    Itunes - free

    ccleaner (registry cleaner) free

  2. The most important program you can every buy is a proper backup.

    Also be sure you have a disc to reinstall the operating system should the hard drive go belly up.

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