
What software or programs do I use to write a book on my computer?

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I have a story and I would like to make it into a book, but I don't know what to use on my computer to make it become reality. I am a beginner with the computer therefor I don't know very much, so I would be grateful if someone could help? Thanks from MaxaShell.




  1. A simple word processing program will do just fine for your needs. Try Microsoft Office or OpenOffice - both software suites include a word processor and have plenty of support available on the net for someone who is a beginner to computers.

    I hope that helps, have fun writing your book!

  2. MaxaShell,

    I'm a writer.

    Most publishing houses, and the vast majority of agents, require submissions be done using Microsoft Word.

    I have a magazine article coming out in Feb., and that was the requirement for the magazine. I have two book manuscripts being seriously considered, and both firms required Word submissions.

    Remember to double space, and use 1" margins on both sides, top and bottom. Also, use active voice, and not passive voice.

    Good luck!


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