
What software programs can I use to boost my PC speed and performance?

by  |  earlier

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I have used CCleaner, Regcure, Registry Mechanic, Windows Power Tools, Windows Cleanup...but none of these really seems to boost the speed like they said they would.

So is their anything else I can use?





  1. You know that recovery CD your computer came with?  Well, find a flashdrive (2 GB-3GB) and save all of the stuff u want on it.  After u do that, put the CD into the drive and set the computer back to original condition (when the factory first makes it)...I did it last week and it goes a million times faster:-)

    Oh, and be sure to save like yoru Kodak and all the other stuff u downloaded that u want to keep on the F drive (flashdrive)

  2. Any software claiming that is a scam. It may clean up unnecessary files, and make things run a little smoother, but it can't add speed.

    Speed is a hardware issue. You can add more ram, get a faster processor, or get a sata hard drive that spins at 10k rpm or over.

  3. Hi I have put up some tips at my website for performance increases. You can disable lots of stuff in Windows too boost performance.  

  4. try to delete stuff on ur computer that u dont use to save some space to make or computer run faster a bit. it could help

  5. My experience is that 1) none of them can really make it zippy ever again, 2) a clean wipe is cute, but then you need to re-install all the OS updates, and every update makes it slower as an incentive to buy a newer system, 3) Defragging the hard drive won't help unless it's really in a tormented condition, and 4) the disk repair program killed my system entirely. I was able to save the data (fortunately) and use the rescue disk, but it's really no better than it used to be. At least I'm on now. You never know when your OS will hose itself.

    Add a much ram as possible, and kill any unnecessary programs. In fact, the fastest windows computer is the one that doesn't have any application software on it.

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