
What some simple things we can do daily to help save our planet??

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What some simple things we can do daily to help save our planet??




  1. There are a lot you can do help save the planet. Here are some things you can do to help save the planet. First, you can recycle cans, metals, plastics, and paper. Don't use as much plastic bottles, use water bottles, the ones you can refill. Use recycled paper too. Take short showers. Towel dry your hair, do not use blow driers as much. When you are not using lights, turn them off to save electricity. (electricity is mostly from oil, natural gas, and coal) Plant a lot of trees and plant a garden. (do not use the sprays that have the harmful chemicals in them to grow trees and gardens) Use rechargeable batteries. (regular batteries that you throw in the garbage leak bad chemicals into the ground) You can use fluorescent lights to save more energy. You can also use  reuse able bags to put your groceries in then the plastic bags that hurt the environment. If you really want to do this, get solar panels on the top of your house, if you get a lot of sun. Walk or ride your bike whenever possible. Turn off the facet when brushing your teeth. Tell your parents if your facet is leaking. Go outside whenever possible. Easy one, use both sides of a piece of paper. You cut down less trees if you do this. Hope that helped!

  2. I think the greatest things are what we consume.

    1. Eat local food, or whats in season.

    By eating local/ in season food you cut back on the gas it takes to ship a banana from a tropical island to here.  Try buying non-sprayed fruits.  It takes about 5L to wash a bowl of strawberries that have been sprayed with pesitsides.

    2. Eat less meat, or try organic local farms.

    Meat is cut and packaged in large factories, alot of polutants go into the air while making this. Try organic farms that cut the meat by hand and dont feed the animals steroids.

    3. Try walking to places you need to go.

    If its not too far try walking to places you need to go, yes, bike are great, but you cut back on the energy it takes to make a bicycle by walking.

    4. Plant a garden full of fruits and vegetables.  

    When planting a garden make sure you dont use spray or anything harmfull or polutant to water. If you think bugs will be an issue, plant ladybug freindly flowers. Ladybugs eat things that can and will attack your harvest.

    5. Buy Eco. Friendly soaps, shampoos, and makeup.

    You can buy soaps and shampoos made from extracts of fruits, and made with plants so they smell good and are good for the enviornment. Some makeup products are make from extracts and curtain flowers, they also come in biodegradable packaging, so no more throwing out a bottle of used foundation. :)

    **hope this helps.**

    PS: A store in Vancouver, BC sells clothing made of bamboo.

    bamboo forests grow faster than any other forest, so we arent harming the enviornment by making bamboo clothing.

  3. There are many things that we can do as an individual to help out the planet.

    1. Turn off the power when you are not using them. Even though it looks like something is turned off, you can still see a red dot, or whatever symbol that shows you that it is still using power. You should unplug it when you are not using it so the power doesn't go into waste.

    2. Conserve water. Turn off the water when you are not using it. If you brush your teeth with the water on and running, try to remember to turn it off so you don't waste precious water. You know that there are many countries in the world that don't have clean water. We are quite lucky ourselves.

    3. RECYCLE!! Recycle all paper, glass, and plastics. Little does anybody know that recycling can help the environment, a lot. There are many other things that are recyclable.

    4. Use rechargeable batteries. The batteries that we tend to throw out, which are not rechargeable, hazardous waste in them. By using rechargeable batteries, we reduce the amount of waste that goes into the Earth.

    5. Take your own shopping bag to go shopping. By doing that, we save a lot of plastic from going into landfills.

    6. Look for products that have less packaging. For example, buy a big box of cereal instead of the mini-boxed cereals. You save way more cardboard and plastic that way.

    7. Don't buy bottled water. Instead, try to install a water filter at your own sink. It can save you a lot of money and provide you with drinking water which won't even cost you any plastic.

    8. Choose biodegradable cleaning products. They have a smaller impact on the soil and water systems.

    9. Use recycled paper. You can prevent more trees from being cut down and more chemicals from entering the soil and water.

    10. Collect rainwater to water your garden/yard. It is a more efficient way to using water, rather than using a hose to water your garden, or even using a sprinkler system.

    11. Let some of your garden grow freely. It might look like a mess, but you will be able to see the beauty of wild flowers. It also saves you some watering time.

    12. Stop using chemical pesticides. Try to use natural products instead.

    13. Buy bird seed feeders. They can bring birds into your yard and may be able to help you get rid of some gardeners' pests.

    14. Use drought tolerant plants in your garden. It can save you a lot of money on watering. They also can look as pretty as some other flowers.

    15. Don't use electrical equipment, as much. Instead of using a leaf blower, grab a rake. It can help give you some exercise and can save you some electricity.

    16. Don't ride a car. Riding a car creates a lot of Carbon Dioxide emissions that are harmful to the environment. Maybe walk to a store to buy some food or ride a bike to a friends out. What you can do to will be very good exercise for you and also will help out the environment.

    There are many other things that you can do to help out, but these are just a few basic things to do around your house and out shopping. =)

  4. 1. Aluminum is recyleable.

    did u know every three months americans throw away enough alminum to rebuild the entire US air fleet.

    2. Recyle plastic with a hardness of 1,2, or 3.

      Americans trash 700 plastic bottles every second. it's enough to make 2 million fleece sweaters everyday.

    3. make sure you don't have a lealy faucet. and try not to leave it running for too long of a time.


    A water faucet that leaks one drop per second will drip 165 gallons a month.

    Recyling just one aluminum can saves enough energy to operate a tv for three hours.

    Americans use almost 100 billion plastic bags every year. their use is banned in several countries.

  5. Here's a great list of things that you can start doing today to help preserve the planet:

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