
What some things you said you would never do as a parent, but have since you became one?

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I said I would never sleep with my baby. I am eating my words. We co- sleep and I wouldn't change it for anything. What about you guys?




  1. not really do but say like

    " Don't make me come in there."

    " Don't make me pull this car over"

    lol, all those things moms say that they swear they wont because they sound like their own mothers. Ya'll know exactly what I am talking about.....  :)

  2. I always said when I was pregnant that if I had a little girl I would never dress her up in those frilly little dresses and skirts and whatnot.

    I ended up having twin girls who don't want to wear anything but sun dresses and skirts.

    Also, when I found out I was having twins I promised myself I would never dress them in matching outfits. I don't dress them entirely the same, but I do tend to dress them similarly only because it's easier to keep track of

    (Like Tonight Cara and Bambi are both wearing their pink nightgowns. and tomorrow they're both wearing jeans and T-shirts)

  3. I said that if the father of my children turned out to be anything like my own father I wouldn't' protect him like my mom protected my dad, but yet I finally realized that I did exactly that.  Just like my mom would hide bad things about my dad to protect him and me I was doing the exact same thing to protect my boys from knowing things about their father.

    Another thing i said I wouldn't do is breastfeed but yet I did it for 3 months with my younger son, pumped with my first son and I am excited about giving breastfeeding another chance this time around too.  

  4. I said I would never lift her up and sniff her diaper.....yup I do it.

    I saw someone dip a finger into their kids diaper to check if it was dirty the other day.....eeeeaaauuw!

    I don't feel so bad about a little sniff!

  5. same husband and i sleep with her..more for my husband can't sleep with out his twin! but now at almost one she is needing more space and me at 4 months pregnant needing more space too!so we are trying to get her to her crib!..and i am sure there will be plenty more to come

  6. LOL i promised that I would never sniff a diaper. But when your kids got a onsie on, plus overalls... its easier then running in the bathroom from the other side of target to check and only to find out... she tooted. I promised i would never let her run around in just a diaper... yea that didn't happen. On a hot day i wish i could run around in just my undies too... but i don't think my neighbors would think it was as cute as her. I promised i wouldn't dress her in all pink... well i think about 80 percent of her wardrobe is pink... but that happens when every little old ladies tells me i have such a cute fellow....and shes in a pink dress. I promised she wouldn't have more clothes then me. Well she has a small dress plus a full closet... but hay can i help it if shes little for her age and can stay in clothes longer... and come on moms girls clothes are just so cute. Im sure it will be the same if we have a boy next. Well the list could go on and on but i better stop before i stick my head in a pile of my daughter ten million outfits.  

  7. I swore that I would never utter the words "because I said so"!!!  That didn't last very long!  

  8. i have swore at my child, big ones, hate it.  i'd think about the sleeping thing though, i know it is a tender thing, but i know alot of parents have rolled over and smothered their children doing this...or so i have been told.

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