
What something organic than can stop worms from burrowing into your fruit trees?

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  1. either dormant oil or Bt

  2. birds

  3. Companion planting is organic. Grow plants around your fruit trees that the worms don't like. Maybe, prickly ones like rasberries or squash.  

    What natural preditors do the worms have? Is there other bugs that eat the worms as prey? Ants or preying mantus? I would be interested in finding out things like this.  

    What plants do the preditors like? Perhaps you can grow plants that ants like, under your fruits trees. The Preditors/Ants will eat the worms before they can climb up the tree.  

    What kind of birds eat the worms? Perhaps you can introduce a type of bird that doesn't harm your fruit, but just eats the worms.

    Worms & Slugs like Beer. Funny but true. You can set out a little plat or suaser of beer and you can catch them that way.

    best of good luck

  4. Spray the trunks of your trees and the ground around the trunk with a strong pepper spray, and/or spread diatomaceous earth around the trees.

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