
What song's played when athlete wins gold @ olympic games? how many lengths of the pool is in a 1500m free?

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whats the max no. of swimmers that can make the usa olympic swim team?

how whats the age of the youngest and oldest female swimmer at the oympic trials?

many swimmers qualify for the olympics in each event?




  1. the song played is the national anthem of the country the athlete is representing

    a 1500 free is 15 laps or 30 legnths

    500 free= 5 laps, 10 legnths

    5x3=15 laps

    i think the youngest female is katie hoff at 19 years old, and i dont know who the youngest male is

  2. 30 lengths or 15 laps = 1500m

  3. The song is always the national anthem of the winner's nation.

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