
What song should i sing?

by  |  earlier

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I am going to join the Sydney Children's Choir and i have to audition and i don't know what song i should sing! can you think of any songs that i may be able to sing?!?!?!?




  1. well think of what your vocal range is like soprano, alto or mezzo..then think of a song you like and know well. hope this helps!

  2. which evre song that you are comforable with you and you can relate to you. a song that kinda describe or sth all the best!!

  3. I would go with something old... Show them that you are versital.  Plus judges always like to hear something done well that they use to listen to when they were younger.  Ask someone older that you what they use to listen too.

  4. Whatever you sing best that's appropriate.

  5. Choose a song you love, but make sure it is in your range, if it is not, you could risk having your voice cracking and flat notes. Choose a song you love, if there is a specific song style they do, do that. Choose a song you feel few or none would do. Be you, and have fun!  

  6. it's a silly suggestion but maybe a song about australia .. not the national anthem or waltz sing matilda ... but something that shows your love for your country ... after all you are trying out for the SYDNEY children's choir!

  7. You probably should have given joining more thought to begin with if this was going to be an issue.

    I'd say retract your application, you're obviously not made of the stuff the choir is looking for.

    There's no shame in being a quitter and, after a few years, your family and friends will stop thinking less of you.

  8. You haven't given enough information here.  What is your voice?  Are you a soprano, an alto?  

    It may sound stupid, but one song that will show your range and everybody knows is "Happy Birthday."  You should actually consider singing that.

    Just replace the "happy birthday dear <name here>"  with "your name here", and really milk the "your name here" part.   That may even make the people you're auditioning for laugh, if you sell it.  

    The most important thing is to be comfortable and confident in your audition.  Singing a song that you already know is much better than trying to memorize something you don't know and messing it up because of nerves.  

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