
What songs do Jehovah Witnesses dance to?

by Guest62704  |  earlier

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My wedding is this weekend and I was wondering what songs to put that would get people dancing but is still appropriate for my JW in laws




  1. Probably anything you wouldn't mind listening to around your grandmother.. if a conservative religious person doesn't take offense to it, they probably won't either.

    They're normal people, and even though they might follow their religion with a little more conviction than most, they don't ALL have a particular style music they like.

  2. i just went to a wedding in June and both parties were jehovah witnesses..i think everyone there but the bartenders were jehovah witnesses...

    anyway, they played all sorts of music.. hip hop, soca, techno, country.. and stuff..just make sure its radio edit.  

  3. Just study the lyrics carefully Anything that doesn't glorify Satan, materialism and immorality should be just fine. Might I suggest soft jazz? Anita Baker? Stevie Wonder? Whitney Houston? Norah Jones? Even the "Electric Slide" is ok in my book!

  4. Any song.  Well, as long as it isn't vulgar.  Most people don't play vulgar music at dignified occasions anyway, so with any amount of taste you should be fine.  

    I can't wait to read the slams people will try to make on JWs with this question.

  5. hava na gila?...

  6. " I love  false prophecies"

    "Old light, new light"

    "A generation redefined"

  7. I had lots of different music at my wedding, my rules being no vulgar songs, no swear words, no "dirty dancing" songs..

    When I told my DJ all that, he said that's pretty normal for a wedding.  So don't sweat it too much.

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