
What sort of Paranormal activity do you think this is ? ?

by  |  earlier

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Ok, so here is the story, i cant believe it happened and im still shaking. Its about last night and the reason i never wanted to stay round my sisters house...Bare with me its a bit strange...

OK this house in Richmond is an old mental house,we didnt know this till after right, yeh yeh i know what ur


1.The room, althought the heating is completely off, soars to some rediculous level,my sister and I cant stop sweating and we both wake up.

2.I thought i felt the bed move so i jumped on to hers, i went to do downstairs and get some water & check the thermostat which was at like 25c,but when i came up the room was locked. My sis had not locked it but it was stuck, so we opened it after a few seconds, so we were like ok whatever, the heating has broken...

3.Im on her bed chatting and we hear this knocking on the floor really loud (its wooden) at the door, it gets closer and closer than faster and stops at the bed.

4.By this point i was sweating with fright




  1. you can say it now , how do you know that ?

      the girl was raped , the girl in your boyfriends dream .

    Anna comes to mind . you are the first group of people she's seen in a long time she felt she could confide in . simply because you are gentle spirits at heart . Think of a dream when you where there but everything was kinda fuzzy , it's like that for her , but you woke her up . Or you can say it now , how do you know that ? that my dear i don't know

  2. Your writing style is quite something.  Seriously, you could do something with that.

  3. I think this activity is called hyst eria. It is quite common and spreads to other people. It is usually triggered by imagination and will most likely reoccur.

  4. it could be poltyrgueist or even a demon but either way the spirit is not happy with you there they want you out but you said you felt feelings of sadness and depression that could be cuz the ppl who were there died there and obviously they died sad or depressed and you 2 just get the feelings they had cuz they want you to feel the way they did. they may not even know they are dead. its kinda like the movie the others they didnt know they were dead until the end of the movie. now one thing you can do is have a priest or someone come and bless the house and get out whatever is there or your sister can just live there and live with it as long as it doesnt hurt her but if you have the smell of sulfer in that room then it could possibly be a demon which is a very bad spirit that can hurt you but its best if you take the proper precautions and just have her saty away until someone checks the place out. but thats all for now feel free to email me

  5. If you're telling the truth..then this is a paranormal question. If we had a paranormal section could go there for answers Your bf might have experienced sleep paralysis ..but it doesn't really sound like that. Is is heated with steam heat? If might have been the pipes knocking. Hopefully..whoever is coming to investigate will find out the truth...whatever it is.

  6. Spirit. If this is a true story, lucky you! I have had some stuff happen to me but nothing really really obvious. The best is the sounds headed for the bed.

  7. stop eating cheese before bedtime ;-)

  8. You need the Winchester brothers.

  9. Now, tell me after all this, you stayed in that house, till the morning....??

  10. Why dont you call the GHOSTBUSTERS

  11. Well there are the obvious scientific explanations to some of these, but this does not explain all of the events coinciding with one another.  Sadness and depression is something that happens when the house starts creeping.  So that was probably spirits letting you know how they were feeling.  So guess what.  That house is very much haunted and I'm willing to bet that you have some type of pre cog a.k.a. 6th sense.  Because you were able to feel their sadness and depression.

  12. Have you been painting the walls of small enclosed rooms with poor ventilation lately?

  13. if it was an old mental hospital, maybe the people who died there are still there in spirit.

  14. Sounds like a haunting.

  15. Sounds like a Poltergeist

  16. Were you taking drugs?

    Well, I just thing you are full of beans.  But, perhaps this was due to forgetting you locked the door, or some other person did it.  Sister probably did lock it; messing with you.  Your imagination.

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