
What sort of Surf Board should I buy? Moving to redondo beach.?

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Here's my history. I've surfed the outer banks of N.C. alot, did S turns a long time ago and recently have been at the Jeti by where cape hatterass light house was. Lived there for summer and picked up surfing, have been back alot. I have a strong paddle after a week or so in the water. Currently I have a natural art fun shape 6' 11" can't remeber the rest of the specs, but that is staying in the OBX for summer vacations. Moving to Redondo Beach, looking to pic up a board for most conditions, basically the most versatile type of board I can get to start my west coast quiver. Any suggestions on good short board, I'd consider my self intermediate, at the beginer end, I can do S turns and get into a pocket sometimes if I'm lucky. Looking for something to start off with that I'll love on almost any day but that is fast and a little more turny. Thanks to everyone who responds.




  1. Channel islands is a really good brand, but its pretty expensive.

    al merricks (i think thats how you spell it) is also a really good brand, which is owned by Channel islands.

    Lost, is another good one

  2. My daughter-in-law is from Redondo Beach. She is a longboarders, but she tells me that there are lots of great local shapers there. Check out the shops and talk to the folks who know the breaks there. They can give you lots better local advice than we can on line.

  3. hey

    i surf to but mostly at Manly beach... Sydney.

    what i suggest is the smaller the wave the bigger the board cause you need more power to actually ride the wave.

    but if you are an experienced surfer you should just get a board that suits your ability and make sure it feels good when you ride it....

    hope you find the perfect one...

  4. the waves in redondo can vary pretty greatly year round. in the summer theres usually some south swell that can range from 4ft to 12 ft, and it can get pretty big in winter as well. the waves in redondo are mostly beach break so id probably stick with a fun board of some sort that can be ridden in both steeper waves as well as point breaks. i used to ride a 7 8' funboard and while it was able to be ridden like a longboard if needed it also turned pretty well since it was a tri fin. But it all really depends on your skill level. i personally ride a 6 4' and i can ride in in waves from 3 to 12 ft no problem but have been surfing my whole life. However, the waves in ca are pretty fickle sometimes, and a shortboard isnt always the best if u think you could surf it maybe id go with a fish, or some sort of hybrid fish shortboard thats around 6 ft8, which will both be fast and turny as u say on smaller days. and you dont have to buy a Merrick(Al merrick is the shaper for channel islands) to get a good board, there will be plenty of shops in redondo where u can pick a good used board up.

  5. So, if your moving to Redondo Beach, and you are mobile, and your like the rest of us in our quest for waves, you'll be surfing waves from  Blacks to Pt. Conception. That means your wave inventory will be much wider than you anticipate  (remember, two sticks are better than one ),

    and since you haven't given much info on your characteristics or bona fides, I'll steer you toward help. Shoot right to Hermosa Beach, walk south on Hermosa Ave from 2nd street 1/2 blk., walk into head shop on west side of street, ask for Daniel Herrerra. He can guide you from there. Tell him Danny Fowler sent you, and ask if Eddie Talbert is still in business. That would be the hook up your looking for.

  6. HI,

    ok sounds like you have some experience up your sleeve and you need an intermediate board that will bring it all back to you.

    Depending on what your height and weight is, will depend on what specs will work best for you. A good intermediate board has less rocker, is a little wider and has a fatter styled nose, allowing the board to get onto waves easier and with the extra surface area it is easier to pop up and start trimming down the line.

    I normally ride a 6'1 - 18 1/4 - 2 1/4 performance board. I broke my ankle and i was out of the water for 6months. I then had to revert back to the type of board I described above to get the feeling back again. The board I went with was 5'10 - 20 2/5 - 2 5/8 (slingshot from warner. links below). Rode this for a month and then stepped back into a short performance board that had just a little more thickness then my original performance board. Rode that for another month and am now back on track. Surfing better than I was when I broke my ankle.

    I would recommend even speaking with a shaper to get the ideal board for you, or look at a board that has a similar layout to the above 5'10.

    You can speak directly with some shapers about this as well through the facebook page (shaper search). They have shapers on their that can help with these requests.

    Hope this helps


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