
What sort of YuGiOh Decks usually makes it to the quarter finals of any tourneys?

by  |  earlier

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If possible please include the name of the duelist, event/ tournament where it was used, and of course the deck type and its deck list. Thank you.




  1. You shoul have a deck of 80 cards.You can follow one of these strategies:

    1.Have many spell card that helps you special summon monsters or even rituals( luster ritual-black luster soldier).

    2.Have 4 star monsters with effects and atk of 1900 and below and def of 2200 and below.

    3.Trap cards.Nothing more to say.Many continous ant quick play trap cards.

    4.High level monsters MUST have effects(if you have 1 or 10 it doesn't matter).Difrently prefer monsters of 6 stars.

    5.Many equip cards.The best ones are those without any requirement(etc for warrior types only).

    6.Fusion monsters are a big help.Especially elemental heroes and tanks cannons...(etc x dragon head cannon).Those card doesn't need polymerizetion.

    7.Cards that doesn't leave your opponent to attack(etc level areas)

    8.Have monsters with high def.Prefer it from high atk.Don't risk it.An excellent choice is submarinoid,that can atack your opponent dirrectly every turn and then return to def potition(def 1800).

    9.Level cards are good(horus black flame dragon).

    10.If you have tricky use him.He's the best card for start(level 5 atk 2000 def 1000 i think,effect:discard one card from your hand and special summon him on your side of the field).Excarion universe is a good card too.Mellinium shield is a good choice.

    I won in a tournament in Greece which is not famous for her tournaments so even if i give you my name you wont find anything.Do never trust luck cards like exodia's cards.Even though destiny board is a good choice.Of course don't take negative effect cards.Even strong they me if you win or you have any qwestions.I'll try to help you.Don't forget the rules of the game,and one more time:DON'T RISK.i've lost the next tournament for this...Hope you'll win.You can buy a book with all cards so you can choose.Sometimes you can see the old cards and don't care about your cards look.Don't have cool cards becouse you want to be cool.OK?Oh,and if you want to follow many of these tactics it doesn't matter just remember there's a limit on the card you can carry:40-80.

  2. shonen jump winners and local tourney's have used these kinds of decks:



    .six samurai


    .dark armed dragon deck


    .destiny hero

    .gladiator beast

    .crystal beast


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