
What sort of chores should I give my 7 yrs old, who is asking me for them??

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My 7 year old daughter recently asked me to make a chart for her for some chores that she can do around the house. I was just wondering what is appropriate for her age group?




  1. Here is my daughter's chore chart.  She is also 7.

    Mornings-before school

    Feed Guinea Pig

    Make bed

    Clean up after breakfast

    Afternoons/after school

    put away her laundry

    Nights/before bed

    Clean room

    Help w/living room

    help w/hallway in front of her room

    clean up after dinner

    Hope this helps!


    wow that is fantastic great and totally awsome and i am so jealous of you right now, could i just borrow her to talk to my boys that'd be great!

    why not get her to do up the chart or you both do it together on nice cardboard with coloured pens and stickers and stuff and

    HANG ON is there a catch to this?

    whats she want? nah kidding that is fantastic!!!

    anyway doing the chart together give you both input and she can let you know what she is capable of too

    did i mention thats GREAT

  3. She can put away laundry, or sort it before it's washed.

    She can put away the clean dishes, feed any pets, empty wastepaper baskets, and do general picking-up around the house--the usual life-clutter like shoes, toys, etc, and keep her room clean.

    Congratulations, it sounds like you are raising a great kid.

  4. Bringing laundry to the washer and dryer

    windexing windows

    sweeping floors

    feeding pets

    taking out trash

    collecting trash throughout house

    helping to bring in the groceries and put them away

    putting towels and other clean laundry away

    setting table for dinner (you get down the plates and glasses)


    watering plants inside or out

    weeding flower beds

    sweeping porches

    wiping down light switches or doorknobs

    sorting pantry

    help with dinner (peeling veggies, washing lettuce, making salad, scrubbing potatoes, etc...)

  5. At first just give her several little jobs, and then as she gets better at them or asks for some more, give her another one. Only give her one new job at a time unless she definitely knows how to do it. Here are some examples;

    Dusting (you spray the polish or cleaner)


    Tidying (toys, books, etc.)

    Helping make meals

    Assisted washing up

    Putting plates away

    Drying dishes

    Sorting laundry

    Putting clothes away

    Also, take her shopping with you from time to time, so she can see the choices of food and help you decide what to get.

    Hope I helped!

  6. Keeping her room tidy

    Making her bed

    Empty bathroom trash cans

    Setting the dinner table

    Helping with dishes/ help load and unload dishwasher

    Help sort and fold laundry

  7. My seven yr old:

    Keeps her room clean

    Makes her bed

    Separates laundry - color, whites, towels etc

    After I fold her clothes she puts her own away in drawers and hangers

    She wipes off counter tops

    Helps me rinse dishes or load dish washer

    Feed the dog

    Pick up trash around house or in the yard

    Emptied waste baskets

    Pretty much anything not too strenuous and with some supervision... definately nothing involving cleaning chemicals

  8. yes it's ok.  My daughter will be 7 next month and she loves to help me too.  We cook together, do laundry and I let her use the vacum too.  I wouldn't call it a must do thing just yet, it is too young, but if she wants to help then it is ok.  We do it together, to make our bonding time stronger.

    Enjoy it now my 12 years has things she needs to do and she hates it, like clean your room and put you clothes away, its usully a fight.  Even if I offer to do it with her she's not happy!

  9. clean room

    help with laundry

    teach them to put dishes in dish washer

    help younger siblings in the morning

    that's all I have

  10. well i have 6 year old he cleans his room, takes the trash out, helps with dishes.

  11. Tidying her bedroom, putting some of her pressed clothing away, handing you pegs while you are hanging the washing out, help you carry your groceries and put them away.... these are what my 7 year old helps me do. The bedroom tidying is the unpopular one though!

  12. sorting laundry, helping to fold it as well. setting the table for meals , clearing the dishes after, putting her clean clothes away, light dusting, vacuming her own room, collecting the bathroom trash before you take it out, putting fresh bags in the trash cans, ...I dont consider at the age of 7 that making her bed and keeping her own room clean to be a "chore" it should just be done.Basically I would just let her help around the house but nothing too strenuous or potentially dangerous, I think doing dishes is not safe at that age because they can break or she could get cut. A lot depends on her physical strength and maturity.

  13. My daughter is 7 and cleans her room, puts socks away,(I hang, she doesnt have that one down and vacuums her room.

    She also keeps a laundry basket in her room that she has to take to laundry room once a week.

  14. WOW! I wish my 7 year old would volunteer to do chores, lol. A few chores that I wish my son would help out with would be:

    Making the bed

    Setting the table (this one or the next one, not both on same night)

    Clearing the table

    Washing, or putting away dishes

    Taking out the trash

    Vaccum their room

    Putting away their clean laundry (not all, but some)

    Good luck! You are very lucky to have a helpful little girl!!

  15. I have 3 children who are 5, 9 and 14 years of age and I am a single parent.  So I divide the chores with everyone and each day we are assigned tasks that include:

    vaccuming hallways

    scour bathroom

    clean living room

    Empty dishwasher

    wash dishes

    do a load of laundry

    clean dining room

    take out the trash

    Clean/pickup outside patio/yard

    Clean kitchen

    And everday we have to pick up our bedrooms.  This way our home stays clean more times than not.

  16. You are so lucky to have a child who actually WANTS to help.

    When my son was younger, I'd ask him to help me with chores to give him some sense of responsibility, but he would only do it partially. He's 9 now. Only now that he gets an allowance, does he take his chores seriously. Right now, his chores are to clean both his room and his bathroom. Cleaning his room is almost like completing several chores because it always look like a tornado just passed through. As far as his bathroom, I measure out the cleanser, give him a pair of rubber gloves, and he cleans the bathtub and sink. I clean his toilet and sweep/mop the floors. He does a rather good job but again, I know it's because he knows his allowance depends on it. Most recently, he has been in charge of separating the laundry. He knows white from colors and can load the washer.

    Age appropriate chores done independently, I think, should include ensuring her toys were put away and making her bed. Those things don't need much supervision. Otherwise, any other chore would include helping mommy with the household chores.

  17. Morning chores (keep these simple because they need time for school)

    -Make bed

    -make sure clothes are in hamper

    -Wipe down sink and mirror after brushing teeth (keep disinfectant wipes under the sink)

    -Change bathroom trash

    After school chores

    -Load dishwasher (if you have one)

    -Wipe down kitchen table after snack

    evening chores (before bed)

    -Make sure all toys are in proper places

    -Help mom fold laundry

    All the time chores:

    Pick up clothes to put in hamper after changing

    Wipe down sinks and tables after using

    Help with trash

    Rinse dishes in sink after use

    The Seven Second rule in our house:

    *After using something (crayons, scissors, toys, blankets)- It only takes Seven seconds to put it back. Use those seven Seconds before starting anything new.

  18. At age 7, a child who is begging to be responsible is a good thing. Take advantage and have them stick to the agreements. Appropriate chores could include making their bed, dusting the furniture, sorting the laundry, and maybe even vacuuming. My 8yr old(since Nov.) wants to iron, but I think she's too young for that. Once they are shown how to properly complete the task, make it one of the assignments. I started washing dishes at 8, it may be a little risky since the child may have to stand in a chair to do it, but I loved to do it as a child (hate it now though).

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