
What sort of clouds and weather comes with warm occlusions and cold occlusions?

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What sort of clouds and weather comes with warm occlusions and cold occlusions?




  1. Cold front occlusions are the more common of the two.  Nimbostratus clouds are the most common during frontal passage and light to moderate precipitation can occur.

    That being said, I have seen a fair amout of occluded fronts pass with some Cumulus clouds, showers and thunderstorms associated with it as well, similar to a traditional weak or slow moving cold front.

    For a warm occlusion, which I honestly can't remember occuring in my recent memory(not saying it hasn't, but I can't seem to remember one), so I can't give you specific characteristics but I would imagine they are similar in terms of the Nimbostratus, with less chance of Cumulus and obviously the temp and dewpoint being the variable from the cold occlusion.   Again, this is just a guess.

    I hope this helps answer your question.

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