
What sort of fish should I put in my dam to eat the bugs?

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I live on the bayside in Victoria, Australia. Something that wont over crowd the dam, as it's for my horses. The soil is quite sandy. Any suggestions




  1. If this is a natural body of water, or in any way connected to one, DO NOT introduce any species of fish (or anything, for that matter)! The introduction of foreign species is one of the most harmful things that can be done to an ecosystem. The introduced species is without its natural enemies, and can outcompete native species, driving them to extinction.

  2. Here they let out Little anchovies into the tanks to devour the mosquito larve which causes malaria .maybe you could use the bigger sort

  3. that depends very much on the climate in Victoria, as you need to use fish that can survive in this climate zone.

    I also thing that you will need several types of fish, one species that will prey on insect larva, another that will clean the water from algae, maybe another to rid of snails, and the last is a type that will prey on the other fish species, to prevent overpopulation.

    you will have to ask experts in your area, and will probably have to harvest some of the bigger fish yourself.

  4. you must have a water source coming into the dam to fill it (creek or stream)therefore you will get fish into the water behind the dam naturally let nature take its course

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