
What sort of food???

by  |  earlier

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i am in rangers (one up from guides) and because 3 of us have birthdays in the space of 4 days we are deciding on having a sleepover for the whole unit.

our ages are 14 - 18 (at the moment but can go up to 26) plus 2 leaders. there will be up to 7 rangers there.

i don't know what we can do for food.

a) a 3 course meal (maybe made by ourselves)

b) a buffet

which of these are best? also can you think of any other ideas?





  1. a buffet or a cook out. may be order some take


  2. make it easy and nice take the buffet option.(i'm a chef).you can prepare some very nice selection of starter,mai and dessert just put them on the buffet in oder of vue than it's for a big  birthday partie maybe oder a big cake from a shop with a theme or 3 different 1 of each to be presented to the birthday persons.

    but keep the menu simple and nice.never too complicated(expensive and time consumming).


  3. buffet, less work when ur guests are there

  4. As the age range is varied, why don't you have a bbq in the biggest garden available, with a bit of music (to suit all ages) and a few drinks?  You can make a fruit cocktail for the ones under age, but you can all celebrate together and enjoy yourselves!  Don't worry about the great British weather either, buy yourselves a large Gazebo from Argos, only about £20 and  have a great party!

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