
What sort of guns where used in ww1 i want the type and names?

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What sort of guns where used in ww1 i want the type and names?




  1. Despite a previous answer the Americans had their own rifle, the M1903 Springfield rifle, which, using the Pedersen device allowed for semi-automatic fire.

    It was this weapon that Corporal (later Sergeant) Alvin York used in capturing 132 enemy troops during the Meuse-Argonne Offencive in France in 1918

  2. This is not a short answer question.  Every nation had developed their own firearms, and most nations lacked the production capacity to outfit their armies with the current weapons, so they made do with whatever was available.

    The US alone introduced over a dozen new small arms during the course of the war, in addition to the weapons that were already being used.

    Then there's the added consideration of when do you consider a change to an existing gun as a new gun.  Is the U.S.Rifle model 1903 the same as the U.S.Rifle model 1903A3?  There are substantial differences, but many key components are interchangeable.

    Here's a hint... one of my monthly gun magazines has been running a "guns of WWII"  series.  Each month, they explore a gun (or family of guns) from a different country.  It's been going strong for over 11 years with no repetitions.

  3. The weapon that caused the Allies to "dig in" and commit to trench warfare was the Maxim machine gun.  Hiram Maxim was an American who had invented the true "fully automatic" weapon, but when he showed it to the US Army, they declined to buy it as "them boys would shoot too many bullets" and the ammo bill would be too high!

    The Brits liked the gun, and purchased a license to make them under the "Vickers" brand name.  The Germans REALLY liked it and bought hundreds.  It was the Germans who truly appreciated the gun's capability and deployed it in fields of overlapping fire that killed a million French, British, and other Ally soldiers during the stalemate of the Western front.

  4. A web search for "weapons of WW1" would probably net you some instant results.

  5. go to and you can get all your essay answers

  6. 30-06 caliber Springfield rifle, 30 caliber water cooled machine Gun, 1911 Colt pistol, 45 caliber.

  7. The British and Americans used the same infantry rifle, the Enfield. The German infantry rifle was the mauser. Both were bolt action single shot rifles.

    This was the first large conflict to see common use of the machine gun. The Germans used a Maxim machine gun.

  8. 303 Enfields for the Brits.

  9. Lee Enfield rifles. (British/American)

    Sten (British)

    Springfield (American)

    Potato digger/browning machine gun (American)

    Rifle Cannon/Artillery (American/French/German/British)

    mg32 (German)

    KAR98 Rifle (German)

    Luger Pistol (German)

    Colt Revolver/.45cal (American)

    Webly Revolver (British)

                     There are probably more.

  10. Germany: Mauser Kar98, Maxim 8mm machinegun, MP18, flamethrower, Luger P08, Broomhandle Mauser C96

    USA: Enfield bolt action rifles and Springfield bolt action rifles, BAR M1918, Colt M1895 "Potato Digger", Chauchat light machinegun, Colt 1911

    England: Webley revolvers, enfield bolt actions, maxim machineguns

  11. Three TYPES of gun revolutionised WW1 fighting: the bolt-action rifle (ie, repeating and carrying its own ammunition so it could be fired quickly); the machine gun (of which the 'Maxim' was the most famous type, but other designs were used); the quick-firing field artillery gun (ie, a large gun served by about five crewmen and pulled by a team of horses, later a truck, which had a recoil absorbing mechanism so the gun could be fired again and again without having to be repositioned and aimed again each time).  These three weapons together allowed an enormous volume of aimed, long-range fire to be brought against attacking infantry, producing the carnage and bloodshed that took everyone by surprise in 1914 and 1915.

    Each warring nation used these weapons, with their own names according to local supplier- so for rifles they were: British/Lee-Enfield .303; France/Lebel 7.7mm; Germany/Mauser Gewehr 98; Russia/Mosin-Nagant Model 1891. For machine guns, British/Vickers machine gun; France/Maxim; Germany/Schwarzlose Model 07/12; Russia/Maxim 1910. Artillery: Britain/18-pounder; France/the 75mm, known simply as the 'seventy five' or 'soixante quinze'; Germany/Krupp 77mm.

    Artillery of all sizes was used but these smaller pieces were the most numerous and important. Many other guns were used, of all kinds- nations had to get them from wherever they could.

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