
What sort of ill effects are there from drinking urine?

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i have heard that sepcial forces are trained to filter there urine through a sock with sand in it to remove the impurities. a buddy of mine is being deployed and i want to give him some pearls of wisdom.




  1. If you are stuck in a desert or other wilderness and you have no water, then the first time and second time you urinate out what water you have in your body, you should be fine.  After that the urine is to toxic to drink and it could kill you.  Then if you happen to get some more water to drink and you flush out your system then you can do it again.  But who would want to do that unless you were in a life or death situation.

  2. First that's disgusting. Second urine is sterile in the first place so it doesnt need to be filtered.

  3. This was interesting to research ...

    Urophagia is generally considered harmless, since the urine of healthy individuals is sterile. However, a small risk exists if there is a disease present, or bacterial infection of the urethra. There may also be secondary effects, such as skin rashes in individuals sensitive to urine.

    It has been suggested that when a person is in desert survival or surrounded by salt water and devoid of drinking water that the person must resort to drinking his/her own urine if it is the only liquid available. As it tends to cause further dehydration due to the salts in it, drinking urine for survival is advised against by the US Army Field Manua, the head of the Texas Urological Society, and numerous survival instructors and guides, while the Discovery Channel advises it.


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  4. In India Drinking self urine is considered as a specific threapy.

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