
What sort of issues should I expect when adopting a child that's had a disrupted adoption?

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In my home state of Ohio there is a disturbing trend of adopting from overseas (mainly Russia) and then when the child is older putting them back into the system. My father just adopted one such girl and I may do the same. When adopting a child that has already had at least one disrupted adoption, what sort of emotional and trust issues should I be prepared to deal with?




  1. I agree with claire, work with a psycologist. Weekly family therapy, trust and bonding exercises. It will take time, and there is a chance that a bond may never be fully formed, but if you do all you can to show the child love and respect than things will hopefully turn out well.


  3. Oh man, what a lousy thing to do...throw a child back just because they're getting older.  Good for your father and good for you, wanting to help these children!

    If I were you, I'd consult a psychologist about how to be prepared.  I'd say just give them all the love you can, but sometimes that's not enough, if the child has learned to distrust the people they should be able to trust the most.  Especially if they've formed an attachment disorder.

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