
What sort of magic would entail time travel?

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Alchemy perhaps? I have been looking for an explanation for the presence of a trunk that was found in a rental home I lived in as a child that contained objects and pictures of my future self. Any explanations will be considered. The most logical will of course get 10 points.




  1. either your lying or the pictures where just someone who looks like you that's all there is no such thing as magic it is all a bunch of mumbo jumbo the end

  2. This isn't a good answer, but in the "Magic the Gathering" books ( it's also a card game) this would go under blue magic.

  3. It is called spiritual alchemy. The Egyptians used the pyramid of Thoth and the Israelites used Mt Sinai for their spiritual 'transformation'. It is when the DNA of a human goes threw a change and the mind becomes enlightened. The word Alchemy just doesn't mean transformations of metals like the world wants you to believe. Their are many meanings of the word it simply means a 'transformation' but not of just metals but of anything.

  4. It wouldn't be alchemy, which is turning metal into gold. There would be no logical, real world explanation for this.  If you're writing a short story or novel with this storyline, you don't really need to specify a type of magic, just run with it.

  5. Alchemy is not magic. It is half-baked chemistry that was mostly practiced by crooks hundreds of years ago. I think you've been watching too much Full Metal Alchemist.

    And if magic was real then you would need the most powerful magic in existence because the energy needed is probably more than the sun.

    And how do you know those objects and pictures are from the future?

  6. The kind of magic that isn't real.

  7. magic can only do so much. bending time and space is not something you cant do with magic, and its a good thing. perhaps magic can send images of the future, but taking a picture of something and touching it are two completely different things.

  8. most logical eh?

    well here it is.

    you never stumbled upon pictures of you from the future hidden in a trunk during your childhood. possibly pictures of your mom, or your older sister who your parents put up for adoption when you were a toddler.

    not the answer your looking for but it IS the right answer.

  9. I travel the ages every time I eat some Magic Mushrooms.

    Try it sometime.

    It's the only magic that works.

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