
What sort of paranormal things do you believe in?

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such as ghosts, telekinesis, astral traveling, things of that sort. and anything more or less than that.




  1. I'm pretty darn open minded. I believe in ghosts and spirits, spirit guides, psychics, telekinesis, ESP, precognition,  past lives, aliens...

    I've never really looked into voodoo/hoodoo, santeria, witchcraft or paganism, because of my personal religious beliefs.

  2. As a paranormal mystery author I have conducted an informal survey among members of various organizations I  belong to - none of which are in the category of paranormal (DAR, church group of Anglicans, culinary history, lit reading roup, etc) - to get an idea of what the general population in the U.S. (of age range from teen to elderly, male and female) believes in. I have found that the majority are like myself. We believe in the possibility of spirit visitations (ghost) and that some people may have a very keen, if not uncanny "intuitive sense" to speak to the past or future.

  3. Pretty much the whole gambit. If something off the wall comes up I research it to see if my psyche gives it any credibility. There isn't much that I haven't experienced, thank God. Would have thought this a wasted life if I hadn't experienced some of the mysteries. I'm doing pretty good and have a ways to go.

    The next four years will be exciting times for everyone. Those that aren't psychic or at least spiritual will become second class citizens of the planet, if they survive at all.

  4. I believe in spirit people 'ghosts in other words'. I also believe in psychic abilities. I believe and know I am psychic.  

  5. I find it interesting that we believe that 'aliens' are paranormal experiences.  If they exist they are just sneaky vandals as far as I can tell and kidnappers.

    I have experienced minor phenomenon so I believe in dreams and visitation of spirits and life vibrations.  I believe there are many kinds of dreams but I believe the dream stuff comes from our own brains.  I believe that someday all 'psychic phenomenon' will be recognized as some kind of energy or vibration not ,so far, identified today.  I also believe that different people have and will be able to harness this ability but won't because it is a time and emotionally consuming effort that few have the real 'stuff' to pursue.

    Ask a Shaman what it takes to pursue their beliefs.

  6. Well, the proof is out there for the existence of ghosts and telekinesis, so I've got to believe in those. As for the other areas of the paranormal, I will believe it when there is enough true evidence.

  7. ghost are the only thing I believe in. I won't believe aliens or telekinesis, astral traviling or anything else. I need to have an expierence to believe like I did with ghost

  8. Believe:

    Ghost (from experience)

    Extraterrestrial Life (just believe)

    Don't Believe:


    Telepathy (likely does not exist, not positive)


    Crop Circles

    Reincarnation / Past Lives

    Astral Traveling

    Remote Viewing

    Crazy Alien Abductions stories / Aliens live among us / 57 alien species

    Atlantis (I am sooooo intrested but sadly I do not believe existed)

    Astrology (might just be the most ridiculous of all)

    Need more info to make a decisions:



    Stigmata (very intresting)


    That all I can think of off hand.

    Edit: There are different things that fall under Pshchic / ESP.

    Precognition, I am intrested in b/c perhaps this can be proven since it would be the future. But then I think it would not be possible, life changes by choice, so the future could never be foreseen, just predicted by a present pathway, which would not be psychic in the first place.

    Retrocognition, it can never be proven and even so, who cares anyway.

  9. I'm very open minded.I've personally checked out many claims.So far not one has been paranormal.

    It's all been fraud or boasting like the tales you read here on Y/A.I'd have to say I believe none of it.Still,I'm ever hopeful one of the boasters will someday put their money where their mouth is.

  10. Everything.

  11. I believe anything is possible and ive had alot of experiences but I do have a skeptic side and look for more obvious reasons then just throwing it off as paranormal

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