
What sort of pathology does this male fantasy that women hate each other serve?

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For the life of me, I can't figure this one out.




  1. I think there are plenty of day to day experiences that would back this sentiment up... just like there are enough male vs. male situations to back up the notion of men “fighting” for a women.

    splittin hairs Tracy, imo    

  2. I'll be sure to bring this topic up at this week's patriarchy meeting, then get back to you.

  3. A fantasy of divide and conquer?

    lol..I just have read about it in here, just another ludicrous generalization coming from one small personal experience, I guess

  4. Women are in competition for the best males and that is why they don't like each other. This is nature Tracy it's about time you realised this.

  5. I don't know if women hate each other more than men do, but it's no secret that women are a lot more vocal about the other women they dislike. If a guy doesn't like another guy you might hear him say something like "I don't like that guy." It's not uncommon for women to wage gossip campaigns against other women. I've witnessed this a few times, especially at work.

  6. Well, to be fair, I have known a lot of women like this. I can't say all women hate each other, but it seems like a lot of women perceive other females as competition.  

  7. I'm not sure.  It may be better that the one where women are all closet bisexuals and we are just dying to have a threesome with the guy next door with a paunch, unibrow, and shiny scalp.  

  8. Divide and conquer.

  9. If you knew anything about men you would know the fantasy is women loving each other, not hating each other.

    The only time women would hate each other is when their personalities or ideologies clash or when they are competing for a sexual partner. The same standards would apply to men.  

  10. Huh?  The only thing I see is some women objecting to feminists telling them what to do.  Example is stay at home moms.  Can you give us some examples or links?    

  11. Your absolutely right, why would we let something like are personal experiences with women get in the way of political correctness?

    I think its a common enough trait in women that its become a stereo type

    And like all stereotypes its not right in every instance but has some truth behind it

  12. TRACEY:

    I'll answer your question if you say ONE positive thing about men in general.

    I've been coming here for a few months and you posture yourself in such a way that one can only conclude you have been severealy damaged by a man and you have generalised your hatred.

    It's not possible for you to ALWAYS ALWAYS have to take the negative stance about half the human race (men) unless you have been damaged in some way and therefore have some kind of pathological hatred. It just doesn't make sense. You lie in wait for a man to trip him up on the most innoccuous issues.

    What happened?

  13. For those that say women perceive other women as competition....then men should see other men in the same way, right?

    And the real misogynists use the idea as "support" for their own hatred of women. I've heard many say that of course men hate women...even women hate women.

  14. Classic.

    Divide and conquer.

    The pathology is called patriarchy.

  15. In fairness, some women think it too.

    I think it eases the self-esteem of those who are not interested / successful in socialising.  They see all the ups and downs and like to think everyone hates each other really, so they're making the best decision.  When in fact, most women wouldn't be without their girlfriends for anything :-)

  16. If you hate men so much marry a woman.

  17. I don't think it's the (.... might they assassinate me or interfere with my brainwaves if I mention them....) They PATRIARCHY!!!!

    It's part of the divide and conquer philosophy, part of the male condition. Not some secret conspiracy.

  18. Women DO work well together and cooperate, even without one having to be named as leader.  The trolls are evidently having to dig deep into their arsenal of insults.  They think that if they say that women don't get along enough times, it will come true.  They like to think it, because it boosts their tiny, deflated egos.  They need to think they are better than somebody, in order to get it up for their day long jerk off fest.

  19. I don't believe I've ever heard of that fantasy.  Men often have fantasies involving themselves and bi-sexual women (the classic threesome).  The thought that men have fantasies that women hate each other sounds like a some sort of twisted male-bashing imagined by radical feminists.  

  20. I think it serves as many other attempt to segregate people from paying attention to the real problem.  As long as they can keep women hating other women they won't unite to work together.  

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