
What sort of place is Ireland?

by Guest61078  |  earlier

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describe it




  1. its magcial

  2. An almost square Island with a very ragged but beautiful coastline

  3. If there is a little piece of heaven on Earth, Ireland is it. It's beautiful, immaculatly clean, very hospitable and easy to travel. Full of welcoming strangers and literally thousands of wonderful little places to shop. The Pubs are great and even there, the gentlemen ALWAYS treat women like ladies. I love the country and have never felt so welcome in any of my other travels.

  4. Ireland is a fantastic country. Im irish though so perhaps im biased.. lol

  5. a better place than england

  6. Full of Irish, god bless them!

  7. it's an island, mostly countryside and bog. cold and wet in winter and warm in the summer. lots and lots of pubs, good people, some nice cities, it's got a facinating history, quite sad really. you should definitely come and visit

  8. a place which experienced an speed of growth which was unnatural and is still experiencing teething/growth pains due to this (transport, overspending, bad governmental investing of money) which effect mainly the natives but which has many things too offer particularly the traditional things with an added convenience compared to a decade ago.

    also has the youngest city in europe and a VERY multicultural capital which can provide a great time for those not interested in teh traditional appealing aspects of ireland!

  9. Ireland is the county of 'Cead mile failte' (a hundred thousand welcomes) the landscape really is forty shades of green. The people are friendly, and have a unique sense of humor. We really dont take ourselves too seriously. Ireland is about laughter, a good pint, rebel songs, hurling, gaelic football and my favourite rugby ( im from munster they are the Heiniken Cup champions), bacon and cabbage. Homemade bread, porter cake, irish breakfasts, breaking into song, taking out a fiddle and starting up a session in a pub. It's people love fiercely and have fought just as fiercely for their freedom from the British. It's a country that has and continues to enrich the world. As an Irish person when im away from home an ache comes in my heart longing to go home. It truely is the most wonderful place in the world!!!

  10. Ireland is the place of the forefathers of the population in the States, a lovely green place near a country called England, where beer is tasty and the people are hospitable.

    where England is dividing it with its army

    Where catholics and protestants are fighting

  11. I spent some time in Dublin.  It rains ALOT.  The Guinness...the Guinness is a gift from the Gods of Beer.  Wait till you taste it!  You won't believe how truly yummy beer can be.  I am now salivating as I write this...

    the Guinness...ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

    PS: i am only referring to the stuff brewed in Dublin.  The stuff brewed under licence in other countries (including England) is an entirely different product brewed SOLEY for export.  Once you taste the real stuff you will understand,  'Natural' beer has a very short shelf life as it contains no artificial preservatives.  The stuff brewed for export DOES and therefore tastes quite different (inferior quality).

  12. a field place, with lots of pubs!

  13. A nice green place with a bunch of beautiful Irish women.  I LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEE irish women!!!!

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