
What sort of poem is this?

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Euphoric Eve

By Semper Fi Reborn

Moonlight..........Flirts with the sky..........Kissing her hand

Enthralled.........Smiling all the while........Being chivalrous

Euphoric...........Maintaining........... poise

In a sweet dance

Of nonchalant grace

Innocently captivated by the hue

Of cherry scented lipstick

He and she dance

Twirling ever so







  1. I'd say it's just Free Verse.  No discernible rhyme scheme or rhythm pattern.

  2. It's a musical medley of words.

  3. Yeaaaa,,,uhhhh. Knock Knock...Is that you...Looks like I'll be getting demoted to number three on the mush team around here.

  4. I'm not sure Semper, but it's enormously creative, maybe it can be called the #1 Supreme Combo!  Both poems are delights in and of themselves,

    together its Prom Night, 1966!

  5. What sort of poem is it

    To carry without rhyme

    To wander all around it

    Even without a time.

    An educated guess is,

    And that's what it would be,

    The verse would qualify as

    What's known as verse that's FREE!

    Have a poetic day.

  6. This is a beautiful poem, of combined forms, both the Trigee (or the quadee) and a lovely free form verse. I am a fan of combination forms. This is wonderful, thank you Semper.

  7. It's called a triple-triple loop of delight which still has me

    twirling in your song!


  8. Free verse poetry.

  9. Is it 1 poem or 2 ?If its 1, then I 'd call it ( Da Vinci Form). If it was the latter then :

    The 1st could be called ( 3-D Matrix)

    The 2nd could be called ( Fibonacci Form).

    How about that Sempre ?  Nice try !

  10. This what we in the Kansas City BBQ circle would call "The Combo Platter."

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