
What sort of proof is there that the NRA provides that people are responsible enough to carry guns?

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Is the 2nd ammendment outdated?

I think today's society is irresponsible and consumer driven, but I want to know what data exists out there for me to take a liberal stance on the debate.

I am an independent at the moment.

Thanks for the help.




  1. If you look at the requirements to buy or carry a gun in most states, you will see that they are either extremely weak or non-existent.  In many states, even getting a DUI will not bar you from buying a gun.  Now if someone is capable of getting drunk and getting behind the wheel of a car, what is to stop them from getting drunk and picking up a gun?

    You can look up the crime rate data for different countries.  The US murder rate is several times higher than almost any other industrialized country, and even higher than many third-world countries.

  2. The second amendment states:

    “A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.”

    The current controversy is the question of whether the framers of the Constitution where talking about a collective right of the States to have a militia or an individual right of a citizen to own a weapon. I am of the opinion, and the US Supreme Court has come out in favor of this, that it is an individual right. The states may regulate it, but it is a citizen’s right to own a firearm.

    The impact of that is most cities with anti-handgun laws will probably have them struck down and citizens will be allowed to defend themselves.

    Now, why did the Framers give us this right? I think it is for 3 reasons. First, To defend ourselves. When it comes right down to it, the police are incapable of defending you as an individual. If you are calling 911 while someone is breaking into your house, the police will likely not get there in time to stop them. The police are pretty good at catching bad guys after the crime is committed, but not at stopping it in progress.

    The second is to defend our country. This is not of as great an importance as it once was, since we do not have hostile nations on our borders. But, citizens were expected to band together in order to defend their country if called upon. The militas consisted of every able bodied man who could carry a gun, and would defend the country if called upon.

    And finally, we have the right in order to defend ourselves FROM our country. An armed citizenry is the ultimate check on the power of the government. Remember, the Framers had just finished fighting a bitter war for independence. Without arms, they would have been subject to oppression indefinitely. They wanted to make sure that the people were able to rise up against tyranny as they had done.

    I hope that all helps.

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