
What sort of sentences do drug dealers get in the UK?

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What sort of sentences do drug dealers get in the UK?




  1. You seem to be asking a lot of questions about drug running. Just forget it and get a proper job.

  2. Not long enough


  4. Very much depends on the circumstances - how high up the chain they are, the class and purity and amount of drug involved, the monies involved, what remorse if any is shown, whether they pleaded guilty or were convicted after trial. The higher up, the longer the sentence, usually in double figures of years.

    The authorities then investigate their means and the courts make a confiscation order of the benefit which they are deemed to have had from their illegal activities involves seizing their assets.

    A 'dealer' involved in supplying friends for no profit (ie bulk-buying on behalf of the group) is the one more likely to get a non-custodial sentence depending on the amounts involved. Even those at the bottom of the rung who are dealing to feed their own habit can expect a custodial sentence.

    Hope that helps.

  5. We should do as they do in Singapore - hang the b*stards.

  6. My mate just got 16 years but was then reduced to 11. Baring in mind, he was big time.

  7. They seldom catch the big guys...unfortunately...

  8. If they are a registered police informant a minimal sentence or nothing,anyone 'oersona non grat'anything from 2 to 10 years.


  10. I knew a junky who got community service. It's unreal.

  11. Depends on how much they are caught with but generally between 2 and 10 years in prison.

  12. In Labour's Britain, the sentence passed at court and the sentence actually served bear no relation to each other anyway.

  13. All depends on the amounts supplied,,the category of the drug and how far up the chain they are,,,anything from 100 hours community service to 25 years in prison

  14. No where near enough for the damage they do to adults and kids, the misery they spread and the money they make

  15. 3 meals a day central heating no bills , free gym. mobile phones recreational drugs and all the buggery you can handle.No hard labour please it infringes our human rights.

  16. Not severe enough, that's for sure.

    Bear in mind that they are potential murderers !

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