
What sort of welcome will Mr Obama receive from the..?

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Moslem world?...and iif he gets a hearty welcome from those people,how will that play to Americans?....




  1. very warm...they LOVE him...he is their best hope for a friendly face in the White House.....after all,his middle name is a Moslem Power name..they relate to that to how it will sit here..well,I dont think Mr and Mrs Middle America will like it too much...

  2. What a silly question! As a muslim himself, he will be welcomed with open arms! Black Liberation Theology is NOT Christianity, and he was raised Muslim, and his whole father's side is Muslim.  After all, he isn't even African-American, he is Arab-American (6% African, 44% Arab), and his first name is a tribute to the winged steed Muhammad rode into heaven on his night journey (Buraq), his middle name, Hussein, happens to be the name of one our middle eastern "friends" we recently had hanged, and Obama....well, Osama? Lol.  Anyways, he is clearly Muslim, he lies about everything, so of course he is going to lie and say he's Christian.  Muslims will love him like we would love someone named George Washington Freedom McAmerica.  He is the embodiment of everything they love and stand for.


    Greg B. - He went to a Madrasa (sp?), a Muslim school, in Indonesia.  I never said he spent a lot of time with his father - I simply said his father's side of the family is Muslim.  Do a quick search into Obama's heritage - his father was, according to Kenyan records, 88% Kenyan Arab, and 12% "African n e g r o".  That makes Obama 44% Arab, 6% African.  According to the U.S. Gov't, a 6% heritage is not enough to be classified as that minority.  In simple terms, Obama would (if elected) be our first Arab-American president.  Also do a quick search on the "night journey", and read about Muhammad's trusty steed, Buraq, who took him into heaven.  Which part, exactly, did I lie about?

  3. ""My whole family was Muslim, and most of the people I knew were Muslim," said Maya Soetoro-Ng, Mr. Obama's younger half sister.

  4. The world is just hoping we have recovered from the error of electing Bush twice.  They are ready to greet cordially anyone other than Bush.

  5. They love him and will show it..In America there is still that whole 9-11/ USS Cole/African Embassies blown up thing to get past..and the Black Liberation Church membership too....hes unelectable anyway.....only the fringe will vote for him and even though they have these really loud mouths,they still only control a very few votes....

  6. hopefully muslims will like him despite his christian beliefs

  7. I have learned something very early in my life:  respecting another's religious beliefs will lead to good communication.  Just because one holds the muslim belief and not the christian belief does not make that other person a bad person---and so I believe that Obama will get a pretty warm welcome and that he is capable of conveying the understanding it takes to develop respect.  It seems too much an American trait to show disrespect to anyone who has a different belief or comes from a different country(i.e.Germans: k***t, Korean: YangYang, muslim: terrorist, black: the nword, whites: honekey....and so forth).  We all do not have a choice when we are children.  We are born with certain physical attributes, we are given our names, we are raised in our parents' faith.  And so, Christian and Muslim can get a long if they want to, by respecting each other's beliefs....

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