
What sorts of food can I eat to ensure my unborn child will be born with brown hair and blue eyes?

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What sorts of food can I eat to ensure my unborn child will be born with brown hair and blue eyes?




  1. The food you eat has nothing to do with it, it's what kind jeans you were wearing 3 days after conception.

  2. wow.

    those qualities are genetic, you can't alter them

    why would you want to anyways?

    /reminds me of hitler and the aryan race.

  3. nothing you eat will determine the hair and eye colour.  that is all determined by genetics

  4. It doesn't work that way! Sorry.... its based on genetics!  Most likely your baby will have the hair color predominate in the family. It also mater mostly what color hair and eyes you and dad have! Also baby might have blond hair or red at birth and then it change as they get older! Really in the end you have no control over this issue. Only god himself controls these types of things!

  5. Eat brown and blue foods,while standing on your left foot under a full moon...And only shower once a week...

  6. Hair color and eye color are genetic. If your child has already been conceived, it's set.

    When they're older, there's always contacts and hair dye.

  7. if you think you can genetically engineer your child by the type of foods you eat you certainly don't have enough going on between your ears to be having one.

    that's one of the most uninformed and ridiculous questions i've seen in a long long time.

    the genetic makeup of yourself and the daddy are going to determine what color hair and eyes your child has as well as everything else about them.

    let's hope it gets the daddy's brains

  8. you can not pick out what your child has, its set...

    But you cant be serious, common sence goes a long way

  9. As I know from school, color of hair and eyes depends on what genes were given by parents of a child. It's complicate to explain all this process fight of chromosomes, dominate features and so on.

    So eat what you want to eat and do what you want to do, more walking, more good nature, more good music, more good mood, feelings, more pleasant things around you.

    I wish you all the best, sincerely,

  10. Chew chewing tobacco, if you swallow a little of the juice with every chew you can be sure of the brown and blue features you're looking for :)

  11. no food is going to make your baby have blue eyes and brown hair.. lol maybe u can try blue berries for his eyes and eat umm steak so he can have brown eyes.. idkk

  12. Again, 10ml of monk juice.....but twice daily, this time (depends what order you read your answers in)

    Then you will be invisible AND be able to ensure your babies eye and hair colour.

    But I must point out that, once again, this may not actually work.....but it's gotta be worth a try ;o)

  13. It doesnt matter what foods you eat.

    Eye and hair color is affected by genes.. not nutrition.

    Your baby's eye and hair color will depend on what genes he got from you and the daddy..  his features were already determined the minute he was concieved!

  14. slim jims and pepsi

    < brown hair and blue eyes

    Also, your childs babby momma..

  15. funny...  you can't  be serious

  16. Hate to break it to you, but it's proabably already been decided....just a thought though, if both you and the father have blue eyes, since it is a recessive gene, the baby will definately have blue eyes.

  17. You dont really think food has anything to do with the color of your babies hair and eyes do you?  Thats silly!

  18. Food doesn't affect these things.  Genetics does.

  19. Just look for a television advertisement that shows a brown-haired, blue eyed babby and devour whatever product is advertised, even if it's a bag of flour or a Nintendo Wii.

  20. The food you eat has nothing to do with it.

  21. well I have brown hair and blue eyes and i have it on good authority that my mom drank a lot of tequila, so I'd go for a few good margaritas

    good luck!

  22. Well if you eat hair and blue eyes maybe they will work their way into the fetus and the child will attach them to his/her body in some strange melding process.

  23. Food doesn't decide anything. Genetics do. Wow, if you do not know something that simple, you probably shouldn't be having a child.

  24. Obviously no one here has heard of epigenetics research. The things you eat can affect which genes are turned of and turned off in your children.

    There was a study with mice, where a pregnant mouse was given two different diets for two different pregnancies. One set of offspring had yellow fur, the other had brown fur. One set of offspring was overweight, the other was not. I don't remember the specifics.

    Epigenetics is an emerging field, so no one can say what foods you have to eat for different results in pregnancy. It has been hypothesized that the sharp increase in schizophrenia rates in people born during the Depression in the Midwest was due to there being a lack of nutritious food at that time. So it's very important to eat healthy during your pregnancy, and get all your nutrients, but we don't know anything more than that, at least regarding epigenetics.

  25. It's too late now.You had the chance to eat it but you didn't ,now your preggie.

  26. Who told you that c**p??!!  Those are determined by genetics not food. Get real.

  27. Vegemite and blue airoplane jelly should do it..* smile

  28. It has nothing to do with food you twit, it's the genetics that determine that.

  29. hair... has lots of protein, so swallow lots of protein and blue eyes, i'd recommend blue balls but that's be painful. maybe have tablespoons of blue cheese salad dressing???  

  30. wow, are you kidding? i really hope so, or else i would LOVE to know who, what and why you think eating food has anything to do with eye and hair color!

  31. None.

    All newborns are born with blue eyes. Some change within the first year. Some do not.

    Hair color, like every other trait is based on the genetics, not food.

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